Monster Hunter X details – Raizex, Nyancook, Fenny
More Monster Hunter X details have come in through the official website. Below you’ll find information about Raizex, Nyancook, and Fenny. You’ll also find screenshots on the website here.
– Rizex is one of the four main monsters
– This monster has a violent personality
– The Rizex is extremely territorial, and will try to kill off any trespassers with everything it’s got
– Known as the “Thunder Wyvern” thanks to its electric organs
– It can charge its with an “Electric Charge State”
– This increases its power and range of attacks
– Crest Attack: an attack that hits with the Rizex’s crest located on its head; during an Electric Charge State, it becomes more like a blade and does even more damage
– Claw Wing Attack: uses its extremely developed claws on their wings to shred its prey
– Lightning Attack: a breath attack that shoots out two powerful lightning bolts
– Tail Attack: thrusts with its sharp and long tail; during an Electric Charge State it gets more power and discharges electricity
– Electric Charge State: its crest, wings, and tail gets charged with electricity and increases the damage and range of its attacks; Rizex also has attacks that can only be done while in this state
– Lagiacrus, Blangonga, and the Shogun Ceanataur will be in Monster Hunter X

– The head chef of the “Felyne Bistro” kitchen
– Nyancook cooks things like fondue made from homemade cheese
– Makes other foods to give players bfufs

– New pet
– Can dress it up, carry it around, and take naps with it