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Nintendo boss on company’s approach to new tech

Posted on August 19, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Nintendo new technology

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has weighed in on how the company approaches new technology.

In an interview with NHK translated by Nintendo Everything, Furukawa indicated rather than pursuing tech for the sake of it, it’s instead about “how they can lead to revolutions in the act of play itself.” Also mentioned is that Nintendo is pursuing new technology in general, but isn’t focusing on one specific area.

Our full translation is as follows:

“While there is no particular technology we are focusing on at the moment, we are conducting research on a variety of new technologies. However, I believe the most important thing for our company is not seeking new technologies for novelty’s sake, but rather considering how they can lead to revolutions in the act of play itself. The idea is that if we become convinced that incorporating a certain technology can provide customers with a fresh and surprising experience, then we covet its research more strongly, making investments when necessary as well.”

Translation provided by SatsumaFS and Simon Griffin on behalf of Nintendo Everything.

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