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Overseas Puzzle & Dragons Z release happening “sooner or later”, game was always in the works

Posted on October 23, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

GungHo Online Entertainment has given a new update on the overseas release of Puzzle & Dragons Z. While there’s still no set date, president Kazuki Morishita told Siliconera it will happen “sooner or later.”

“Nothing has been finalized, we don’t know how we will release it or have a price, but we will release it sooner or later.”

Morishita also spoke about Puzzle & Dragons Z is more RPG-oriented compared to the smartphone version. In doing so, he revealed how the 3DS title “has always been in the works” – meaning it was planned from the series’ very beginning.

“Initially, when we were still tinkering with the concept for the smartphone version in summer of 2011, we already started talking about the 3DS release as well. The 3DS version has always been in the works, we have always been planning it while we were coming up with the smartphone version concept. So, it isn’t a new idea we came up with. We were always going to add that RPG element into the game.”


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