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PixlCross targeted for mid-May in PAL regions, dev on chances of a 3DS port

Posted on March 25, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Wii U eShop

PixlCross is coming to the North American Wii U eShop next week. It’s planned for PAL regions as well, but it’ll be another couple of months before it arrives. Developer Nick DiMola told 4colorrebellion that it’s targeted for mid-May in Europe and Australia.

DiMola also commented on the possibility of a 3DS port. Here’s what he said on that front:

“So the sticky situation with this is that we’ve built PixlCross on top of the Nintendo Web Framework. Unfortunately, that makes porting it to other console platforms a bit tough. Natively, the game runs in a browser, so it’s easy to port to PC/Mac/Linux. If we start talking about the 3DS, it means rewriting the game in native code, which is not something that’s currently within my capabilities.

The New 3DS would be a more likely target for us, but it still means a total rewrite in Unity. Unity would also give us the flexibility to bring the game to other platforms like the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. All of that’s a longwinded way of saying, we’re thinking about it. If we do pretty decently on the Wii U, it’ll make the rewrite in Unity seem much more appealing!”


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