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Producer hints at possible new content for Splatoon

Posted on January 31, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

The finals for Splatoon Koshien 2016 were held in Japan a few hours ago. As the tournament came to an end, producer Hisashi Nogami came on stage and delivered a short speech.

Nogami started out by talking about how Splatoon debuted for the first time on stage nearly one year ago. He also mentioned that the team owes the progress and success thanks to folks like the ones gathered there, the ones who unfortunately were unable to participate there, and everyone watching the stream at home for their constant support and encouragement.

Nogami moved on by again stating that Splatoon came as far as it has is thanks to players like the ones he’s looking out at right now and has been thinking about ways he can express his appreciation. While Nintendo did say that updates would wrap up at the end of this month, he noted: “I know we announced that the content updates were going to end in January, but it’s possible we might be able to do something more in the future. Just please give us some time. We hope you’ll continue to enjoy Splatoon and the Squid Research Lab!”

You can get a look at Nogami’s speech below. Even though it’s in Japanese, it’s worth a watch since you can see how emotional he gets, and it really comes across how thankful he is.


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