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Reggie: Wii U is second place in current console war, Nintendo doesn’t need to release another console

Posted on June 16, 2014 by (@gamrah) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U

During an interview at last week’s E3, Reggie was asked whether or not he thought the Wii U could ever outsell the Playstation 4 or Xbox One. He had the following to say:

“The dirty little secret is if you look at life-to-date numbers, between Sony and Nintendo they’d be pretty close in terms of PS4 vs. Wii U, with Xbox coming in third place,”

“I think it’s going to be a three-horse race for the balance of this cycle.”

Reggie admitted that the delays of Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 caused issues for the console at launch but also doesn’t think that warrants another console right away:

“We think that the Wii U has a long and vibrant life in front of it,”

“What it needs are games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros Wii U and Splatoon – those types of games that can really drive the installed base. We believe if we can do that effectively the Wii U has a long and robust life.”

“The interesting point there is that when we announced the Wii U and when we announced all of the launch details, we fully expected games like Wii Fit U, Pikmin, the The Wonderful 101 to be in the launch window,”

“The Nintendo quality bar is really what kept us from launching those games potentially in February or March and so that’s what created the lack of software during that initial launch phase.”


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