[Review] Chariot (Wii U)
Author:Vincent W.
Nowadays, finding a good couch co-op game to play with a friend isn’t as easy as it seems. In an industry that strives on giving an experience targeted towards online play, enjoyable games that let you sit down with a close friend or sibling in the same room are few and far between. That’s not to say that online gaming is bad or a step in the wrong direction. But there’s a feeling you get when you’re close enough to smack the controller out of their hand after they wreck you in games such as Smash and Mario Kart that feels like no other. Now Frima Studio is ready to take it back to the good old couch co-op days with their puzzle-platformer Chariot.

Chariot doesn’t hesitate to throw you right in into the fray, and when I mean the introduction is short, I mean nearly non-existent. You begin with the princess and her fiancé carrying the late king’s coffin to his grave. Out of nowhere, his ghost shoots out of his body. Instead of saying his final farewells to his daughter and kingdom, he rants about how the grave isn’t entirely appealing. He refuses to enter eternal rest until his burial place suits his needs, which means the young princess and her husband-to-be must carry his body through dark caverns and lush landscapes to find a sepulcher grand enough to meet his approval, all the while collecting enough loot to satisfy him. Once the opening thirty-second cut-scene ends, you’re thrown right into the action and must pull, push, and carry the deadweight (pun intended) to a burial ground fit for a king.
While the story doesn’t disappoint, the real shining star in Chariot is the gameplay. It’s completely playable and works just fine if you’re adventuring alone, though Chariot is definitely designed with multiple playable characters in mind. Gaming with a buddy will seem a bit confusing and cluttered at first, but once you both learn the ropes, you’ll be speeding through the levels like nobody’s business (unless you’re playing with “those people”…). When playing with a friend, Chariot feels more open, as puzzles that seemed nearly impossible alone become much simpler with someone else to help you out. In fact, there are certain optional areas that you can’t even enter playing by yourself, making it just that more impactful to have a helper. Sadly, the single-player experience doesn’t give off the same feeling you get when playing with another person, so I recommend having a friend to accompany you.

Thankfully, it won’t be such a pain having a friend hop right in since the controls are as simple as they get. Even the newest of gamers will be given the chance to test their knowledge in this beautiful puzzler. The different commands allow you to pull out and pull in your rope, swing your sword, and use a special item that you choose to enter underground with you. Once you master those skills, the only test is using them correctly to advance to the next puzzle. Completing a task that troubled you through countless attempts is exhilarating, and that feeling carries over from puzzle to puzzle. With a friend, the feeling of success becomes even more prominent.
There’s even more things worthy of praise in this title, too, because Chariot also has some beautiful visuals. The world around you always feels alive as you explore it, with rushing waterfalls and gorgeous plant life that makes every area feel completely different from the last. Chariot’s beautiful environments have a lot to offer, given how they constantly throw new visual wonders as you find yourself journeying farther and farther. I must admit, whenever I started playing through a level that was doing something new visually, I found myself in constant awe as I watched the world around me grow and react to my actions. One example is in one of the beginning levels. Each time you move around, vibrant and colorful plants sprout from the ground making the seemingly boring cavern turn into a visual spectacle. Little moments such as these are what made my adventure in Chariot more memorable than the typical platformer, and thankfully, there were similar situations for me to discover. I should also mention that the playable characters are adorable and even have their own dedicated button to high-five each other (if that doesn’t sell this game to you, I don’t know what will…).

Chariot also has a lot of content to offer. There are over twenty levels that each take about 10 or 15 minutes to complete, and on top of that, they all have speed-run options, plenty of collectibles, and alternate paths to discover, so you’ll definitely be getting some bang for your buck. It’s going to take a lot out of you to fully finish this title, but it’s a challenge definitely worth taking. So not only does this game have amazing visuals, challenging yet rewarding puzzles, and plenty of content to keep you playing, but it’s also a joy to share with a friend. I may seem a bit obsessive with this game, but trust me: pick it up on the eShop and you’ll understand what makes Chariot a great experience.

A “thumbs up” rating means that, at the end of the day, the game in question succeeded at what it was trying to do. If the concept and style appeal to you, it’s absolutely worth playing.
Chariot is a title that will definitely keep you entertained as you explore its levels while solving puzzle after puzzle to continue your adventure. It’s vibrant colors and atmospheric soundtrack all work well with it’s physics-based platforming. Collectively, the package provides a great time – even if the adventure doesn’t feel as substantial without a buddy to tag along.
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