[Review] Runbow
System: Wii U eShop
Release: August 27, 2015
Developer: 13AM Games
Publisher: 13AM Games
Author: Vincent
It’s not too often that an indie release comes around and blows my expectations out of the water. But with Runbow, it appears that the folks over at 13AM Games have successfully created a title worthy of being the exception. Bringing a new concept to the platformer genre is about as difficult as it gets, and it’s even harder to make it all work. Yet with Runbow, the developer has gracefully created a game filled with as much innovation as there is fun. Also, did I mention you get to play as Shovel Knight and Rusty?
If you were to look at a screenshot of Runbow, it’d probably be a little bit difficult to really decipher what’s going on. Basically, the game is a color-coded platformer in which you have an array of multi-colored platforms for you to hop, punch, and kick your way onto. The catch is that the background is a constantly looping cycle of colors, and when a color slides by that matches the color of any of the platforms, it disappears. This forces you to keep on the move while still managing to stay alive and make it to the end. It sounds simple enough, but as the game progresses, the developer’s inventiveness shines through as new concept after new concept are thrown your way, keeping things consistently fresh. One level has you being chased a boulder while hopping through different colored walls, so if you miscalculate a jump or hit a wrong wall, you’re through. This kind of simplistic yet challenging gameplay is something you’ll find very commonplace throughout Runbow.

There are plenty of different ways for you to play through Runbow, but “Adventure Mode” feels like the main focus in a way. It pretty much serves as the game’s story, which revolves around an evil woman named “Satura” (yay, puns!) who hates the world of color. She ends up kidnapping everyone, and it’s naturally your job to chase her down. There are four different maps for you to play on, and each one has a bunch of different levels to choose from. Plus, you’re able to choose which levels to take on next, so you can finish the row of levels you’re on or move straight to Satura – it’s all up to where you feel like going.
Another mode available in the game, “The Bowhemoth”, will test even the toughest platformer veterans. It’s a nonstop onslaught of levels with a constant rise in difficulty. Amazingly, I have still to reach the end. Just to give you an idea as to how difficult the mode is, I died 347 times in around 22 minutes. I still get emotional every time I think of my pain.
While those two modes were centrally focused on single-player, the others have a huge multiplayer aspect, and I do want to emphasize that Runbow is hands down one of the best multiplayer experiences I’ve been able to share with my friends in a very long time. You’re able to play with up to eight others in every game mode (even online), so there is tons for you and your friends to see and do. It’s also worth mentioning that Runbow is set up to create the perfect competitive experience, where there’s nearly no gain in helping your friends out. The game even goes as far as to compliment the winners and poke fun at the losers, making it a constant battle to reach the end at the same time. With a massive amount of content – which even includes a huge cast of popular indie characters appearing in playable form – there is so much fun to be had in this title.

I can’t begin to relay just how much I love Runbow. Everything from its lovable charm to its incredibly unique style of platforming, 13AM Games has developed a game that is my favorite indie title of 2015 – there’s really no doubt about it. There’s as much fun in the single-player modes as there is to be had with the multiplayer features. Whether you’re at a party or simply having a late night by yourself, Runbow just begs to be played. It’s definitely a game worthy of your time and attention. Also, just to emphasize once again: did I mention you can play as Shovel Knight and Rusty?

I absolutely adore Runbow. Any Wii U owner – and any person in general – who plays games for simple enjoyment will quickly fall in love with everything this title has to offer. Honestly, there’s nothing quite like it. I can definitely see myself coming back to Runbow any time I have guests over, and that’s something I find very special. If you’re looking for something to spend your gaming hours on, do yourself (and me) a favor and pick this title up when it launches on the eShop this week.