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SDK Paint’s first updated submitted to Nintendo

Posted on November 15, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News

Hullbreach Studios has promised long-term support for SDK Paint. The application’s first update has already been submitted to Nintendo and should be out soon.

Here’s a quick overview as to what will be added to SDK Paint:

New footage released today:

-Improved GUI
-Grids & Guidelines integrated directly into toolbar
– Zoom (All 5 layer, 4Xs magnification)
-Gallery Effects
-Double Memory
-Expanded Galleries
-Smudge Tool
-Spray Tool
-Sharing preview Off TV for posting
-New procedurally generated and scalable pattern fills
-Double size Color Pallete
-Camera functionality enabling self portraits -Layer Clear
-Layer Swap
-Layer Shift Left/Right
-Undo now backs up to 10 times
-Mirror and Flip loading times diminished
-An in game description for each tool if you hold it with stylus

View the video above for a look at the upcoming SDK Paint update.

Source: Hullbreach Studios PR

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