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Series creator reiterates that Dragon Quest XI is still in the works for Switch, will be released when the time is right

Posted on August 5, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

We’re in a strange place with Dragon Quest XI on Switch right now. Last week, the long-awaited RPG launched in Japan on 3DS and PlayStation 4. Despite that, we still have yet to see a single image from the Switch version. Square Enix has also chosen not to provide any information thus far.

Dragon Quest XI was actually “announced” for Switch way back in 2015 during the NX days. However, Square Enix then said it was only “considering” bringing the game over to Nintendo’s new platform. Square Enix then clarified that it was officially happening last year. We also received another confirmation when Switch was initially unveiled . Finally, this past May, series creator Yuji Horii noted that they’ll say something when they are able to. 

With Dragon Quest XI having been released, Horii has once again commented on the status of the Switch version in an interview with Japanese publication Sankei. He merely said that the company is working on it, but naturally, it’s coming out later.

Meanwhile, Square Enix was also asked about the Switch version during its financial results meeting this past week. First, it was stated that Dragon Quest XI will be released on the console when the time is right. One person also asked if the Switch release plan made some consumers hesitant to buy the other versions and wait. To this, Square Enix basically said they don’t believe this is the case.

Right now we’re essentially at the same place we were two years ago. Dragon Quest XI is coming to Switch, but we don’t know when, and we’re not entirely certain what it will be like. With Horii previously mentioning that there are “adult circumstances” getting in the way, perhaps there are some contracts involved preventing Square Enix from showing the game . Or maybe they’re waiting until the Switch version is farther along in development.

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