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Art Academy: Home Studio

Another Art Academy: Home Studio video has been shared by Nintendo UK. Below, you’ll find a time lapse of a Mario & Luigi drawing. Note that this will likely be our final video coverage of the title.

Nintendo of Europe is celebrating the launch of Art Academy: Home Studio with a new video for the title. Below you’ll find footage of a Yarn Yoshi time lapse.

Nintendo has published the North American launch trailer for Art Academy: Home Studio. Watch it below.

Art Academy: Home Studio has a built-in time lapse function. You can see it in action through the video below.

Head past the break for another couple of videos!

Could Art Academy: Home Studio be receiving amiibo support? While it can’t be confirmed for sure just yet, that’s what an eShop listing is suggesting. Over on the North American Art Academy: Home Studio eShop page, amiibo is listed as one of its features. The title launches in just a few weeks, so Nintendo will probably need to make this known soon if it’s happening.


Nintendo shared some screenshots and art from Art Academy: Home Studio today. You’ll find them in the gallery below.

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