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Cthulhi Games

After revealing plans to revive the cancelled Wii project Sadness as a Wii U exclusive, HullBreach Studios and Cthulhi Games have now said that they do not, in reality, actually possess rights to the IP.

A statement from the two developers reads:

The Sadness IP is in the hands of a consortium with 4 studios currently fighting for the bid, and that while we at HullBreach and Cthulhi would like to make a competing bid and secure rights to Sadness, unfortunately we cannot at this time. Sorry to fans for any inconvenience.

HullBreach and Cthulhi are still very much interested in their own project. However, they may be forced to change the game’s title, meaning what little connection it had to the original Sadness could end up being lost.

Cthuli’s Jeremy Kleve told Eurogamer:

“We very recently have contacted the old developers to obtain rights to the what little IP actually existed and their blessing. Should they work against us we are prepared to change the title of the game and drop any usage of their IP, this however will not slow us down in the least since most of their ideas were just ideas.

“Sadness had us intrigued since it began years ago, and we decided recently that we didn’t want to let it die off completely. We would have acted sooner if we were capable back then, but as you know the consoles weren’t as open to indies as they are now.”

Source 1, Source 2

“Sadness” is a game that should sound familiar to many Nintendo fans. Nibris announced the project as a Wii exclusive way back in 2006 before ultimately pulling the plug in 2010, which was accompanied by news of the studio’s closure.

In a bit of odd and unexpected news, HullBreach Studios and Cthulhi Games have announced plans to revive Sadness as a Wii U exclusive. The title is tentatively targeted for a 2016 release.

Here’s what you should know:

– Nibris struggled with development with their Gamebryo engine programmers at Frontline and their graphics partner Digital Amigos
– Will stick to the game’s original idea
– Could be some changes and there with regard to characters, mechanics, setting
– Will keep the Gothic noir visual style with a few exceptions
– Will likely be made in Unity
– Starting from scratch
– New elements will be introduced including RPG and puzzle-based mechanics
– There’s also a shift to 2D
– Cthulhi and HullBreach are working as equal partners on the project
– More news at “Indie Sanctum 2014” in October

You can find more quotes from HullBreach Studios and Cthulhi Games over at Nintendo Life.

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