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Hamster has announced that it will make GROBDA available as its latest Arcade Archives game on Switch. It’s due out this week on February 16. The game is a shooter that was first released in 1984 by Bandai Namco, with the objective of fighting through multiple machines, blowing up multiple enemies with as few explosions as possible to reach the top rank.

Below is a trailer for the game, courtesy of Hamster:

Arcade Archives Magical Speed gameplay

Hamster has provided new gameplay of Arcade Archives Magical Speed, which released on Switch this week. Footage was shown during the company’s newest live stream.

Here’s a brief overview of the title:

Arcade Archives Magical Speed

Hamster has announced that it will make Magical Speed available as its latest Arcade Archives game on Switch. It’s due out on February 9, 2023.

Magical Speed is notable as this will be the first Arcade Archives game that was originally made by Allumer. In fact, Hamster now has the rights to all titles made by Allumer, which became defunct in 1999. Hamster says it will offer other titles from the company through its Arcade Archives lineup in the future.

Arcade Archives Phelios gameplay

The Arcade Archives series continued this week with its latest entry, Phelios, and we have new gameplay. Per usual, this stems from Hamster’s live stream this week.

Here’s a quick recap on the title:

Hamster has announced that Phelios will be the next Arcade Archives title releasing on Switch. It will be available on February 2, 2023.

Phelios was originally developed by Namco in 1989. It initially released exclusively in Japan, never making an appearance in overseas arcades.

Arcade Archives The NewZealand Story gameplay

Arcade Archives The NewZealand Story was the latest Arcade Archives title on Switch this week, and Hamster provided a closer look with new gameplay. This was shown during a live stream just a couple of days ago.

Here’s the official eShop description:

Arcade Archives The NewZealand Story

Today, Hamster officially announced The NewZealand Story as the latest Arcade Archives game on Switch. It will be available on January 26, 2023.

The NewZealand Story, which was made by Taito, originally debuted in 1998. The action game has players controlling Tiki as they go on a journey to rescue his girlfriend Phee Phee as well as other kiwis who have been kidnapped by a blue leopard seal. Each level is like a maze, and you’ll need to avoid enemies along the way.

Arcade Archives Tank Force gameplay

Thanks to the latest Hamster live stream, we have a closer look at Arcade Archives Tank Force. This one was released on Switch towards the end of the week.

A brief overview can be found in the following overview:

Arcade Archives Tank Force

Hamster is bringing Tank Force to Switch this week as the latest Arcade Archives title for the platform, the company announced today. It will be available on January 19, 2023.

Tank Force, which was made by Namco (Bandai Namco) first released in 1991. The shooter only stayed in Japan, so the game didn’t originally see an international launch.

Arcade Archives Senjyo gameplay

Arcade Archives Senjyo saw its release on Switch this week, and new gameplay has surfaced. Hamster shared footage during a new live stream.

Here’s some information about Senjyo:

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