Immortals Fenyx Rising update out now (version 1.1.1), patch notes – loadouts and more
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
A notable update has gone live for Immortals Fenyx Rising. Version 1.1.1 includes the ability to create up to three loadouts, Nightmare Difficulty can be accessed without having to beat the game a first time, and more.
The full patch notes are as follows:
More: Immortal Fenyx Rising, title update, Ubisoft
Ubisoft says Immortal Fenyx Rising name change wasn’t due to any legal issues
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Much has been made of Immortal Fenyx Rising’s name. The project was originally called Gods & Monsters, but Ubisoft decided to change things up earlier this summer. It was then discovered yesterday that Monster Energy took issue with the Gods & Monsters name.
That’s prompted an official response from Ubisoft, who says that the change “reflects a creative decision and is not a result of legal matters.” The full statement reads: