Big John Games open to Wii U support, talks game sales
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Big John Games has yet to make a game for Wii U. That doesn’t mean this won’t change in the future, however.
In an interview with Super Phillip Central, Big John Games’ Ken Patterson hinted that the company may eventually create a title for Wii U. He said:
We keep looking at Wii U projects. Right now it seems like our resources are better spent making 3DS games. That will change once the right game concept comes along.
Patterson also discussed sales of Big John Games’ eShop releases in the same interview. Coaster Creator 3D and the Big Bass Arcade games appear to have performed the best.
We sold a lot of Thorium Wars on the DSi, our sequel on the 3DS has not done as well. Our Big Bass Arcade games have done well on all of the Nintendo platforms. Coaster Creator 3D has sold well on the 3DS here in North America, Europe and has sold really well in Japan. We are very honored to have some of our games selling in Japan.