Wedbush January 2014 NPD predictions
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 3 Comments
Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter has provided his NPD hardware estimates for the month of July 2013.
Here’s the full roundup:
PlayStation 4 – 375,000 units
Xbox One – 350,000 units
Wii U – 60,000 units (would be up 5% year-over-year)
Pachter also says that fall/holiday titles from 2013 will drive software sales for January. These include Call of Duty: Ghosts, Battlefield 4, EA Sports’ titles, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Just Dance 2014, NBA 2K14 and GTA V.
Overall, software sales are anticipated to fall by 20 percent – $300 million this year compared to last year’s $373 million.
A continued decline in sales isn’t expect for the rest of 2014, Pachter says.
“In a nutshell, we think that the rapid ramp in sell-through for next generation consoles will cause an unprecedented ramp in next generation software sales, and notwithstanding current generation software sales weakness, we expect overall industry software sales to rebound into positive territory later this year. We believe this rebound is not only sustainable, but we expect it to be dramatic in the back half of the year, with double-digit gains expected.”