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Spelunky 2 Nintendo Switch Online Game Trial

Spelunky 2 will be offered as the next Game Trial for Nintendo Switch Online in Europe, it’s been announced.

Like all Game Trials, those with an active subscription can play through the entire game at no extra cost. Save data can also be carried over to the full version.

Spelunky 1 and 2 are both debuting on Switch today. To celebrate their release, a new launch trailer has come in.

Below are overviews for both games:

spelunky switch gameplay

Gameplay of both Spelunky 1 and Spelunky 2 on Switch has now appeared. As fans may recall, both titles were both announced for Switch to close out 2020. The wait for both games is finally over as they’re heading to the eShop this week

Here’s an introduction to both titles:

Spelunky and Spelunky 2

Both Spelunky games will debut on Switch this month, eShop listings reveal. Spelunky and Spelunky are both slated for August 26.

Here’s an overview of both games as well as trailers:

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