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Pokemon Y

As previously mentioned, this month’s Mythical Pokemon distribution for X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire features Darkrai. You can watch a trailer for the event below.

The latest Pokemon distribution is now up and running. Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire players can obtain a level 100 Darkrai through codes provided at stores.

Here’s where you can secure one:

United States – Gamestop – May 1st through May 24th
Canada – EBGames – May 1st through May 24th
United Kingdom – GAME – May 1st through May 24th
Australia & New Zealand – EBGames – May 1st through May 24th
Spain – GAME – May 1st through May 24th
Germany – Gamestop – May 2nd through May 24th
France – Micromania – May 2nd through May 15th
Italy – Micromania – May 1st through May 24th
Belgium – FNAC or GameMania – May 1st through May 24th
Netherlands – GameMania – May 1st through May 24th
Sweden, Norway & Denmark – BR Stores – May 1st through May 24th

Note: codes can be redeemed until August 31.


Several hours ago, a surprise distribution began for Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire in Europe. We heard that Zygarde was being offered in each one of these games.

In North America, the Zygarde distribution is now live as well. Simply select “Mystery Gift” on the main menu, choose “Receive Gift”, and then “Get via Internet”. Zygarde will then be yours!

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

There’s a new Pokemon distribution happening in Europe right now. Those with a copy of Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire can obtain Zygarde through the Nintendo Network. It’s not yet clear how long the distribution will run for or whether it’ll be available in North America.


Darkrai is the next Mythical Pokemon distribution for X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. In the UK, it’ll be available at GAME starting next month as a serial code through May 24.

Here’s a rundown of the Pokemon:

Darkrai is the Pitch-Black Pokémon, which originally debuted in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl in 2007. Darkrai is said to chase people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers. This Darkrai is distributed with the following attributes:

· LEVEL: 100
· TYPE: Dark
· ABILITY: Bad Dreams
· MOVES: Dark Void, Ominous Wind, Nightmare, Feint Attack

As a reminder, Darkrai is a GameStop distribution in the United States.

Source: Pokemon PR

If you’re subscribed to the Pokemon Trainer Club newsletter, you should keep an eye out on your inbox for a special treat. Codes will be going out for Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. These can be obtained in Pokemon Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, X, and Y. They’ll each come with a Hidden Ability, marking the first time you can get these Pokemon with this trait.

Here’s a trailer for the distribution:

Jirachi is now available as the newest Mythical Pokemon distribution in X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. Check out a promo for the event below.

A new Pokemon distribution for Volcanion is set to begin in Japan next month, the latest issue of CoroCoro reveals. Players can obtain the new Pokemon as the pre-booking ticket distribution for the new movie, Volcanion and The Ingenious Magearna.

Volcanion will come in at level 70 and holds a Rage Candy Bar. It’ll have the moves Steam Eruption, Overheat, Hydro Pump and Mist.

This distribution ends in Japan on July 15. However, it can be redeemed until September 30 through a serial code distributed with the movie ticket.


A new trailer has gone live to promote the new Celebi distribution in Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire and X/Y. Take a look at it below.

Here’s a quick reminder to all of the 3DS Pokemon players out there. The new distribution for Celebi is now live in Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, X, and Y. You can download the Pokemon via the Nintendo Network.

Obtaining Celebi is actually quite easy. Access the “Mystery Gift” option after booting up your game, and receive it through the Internet. You’ll then just need to talk to the delivery girl in any Pokemon Center and save.

Celebi will come in at level 100. It should be available through March 24.

Thanks to Dry Bone Koopa for the tip.

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