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QUByte Interactive

Spooky Chase

The 2D platformer Spooky Chase is out now on Switch. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Spooky Chase is available for Switch via the eShop. Find more information and a trailer here.

Spooky Chase

Update (2/24): QuByte Interactive has confirmed that Spooky Chase will be releasing in North America and Europe on February 25.

Original (2/23): QUByte Interactive and Burning Goat Studio have announced that they’re putting Spooky Chase. The 2D platformer is “coming soon”, though a specific date hasn’t been confirmed.

Here’s an overview of Spooky Chase, along with a trailer:

Knight’s Retreat, a puzzle title from Minimol Games and QUByte Interactive, lands on Switch today. View some footage in the video below.

Knight’s Retreat can be purchased digitally from the Switch eShop.

Knight's Retreat

QUByte Interactive and Minimol Games have announced that their puzzle game, Knight’s Retreat, will now be releasing digitally on the Switch eShop on February 11. You can check out our coverage of the game’s initial announcement here.

Source: QUByte PR

WarDogs: Red's Return

The 2.5D beat ’em up game WarDogs: Red’s Return is in development for Switch, QUByte Interactive and Mito Games announced today. A release window is not yet known.

We have the following overview and trailer for WarDogs: Red’s Return:

Knight's Retreat

QUByte Interactive and Minimol Games have confirmed that Knight’s Retreat, a puzzle title and “chess game without any chess”, is coming to Switch. The companies did not provide a release date as part of today’s announcement.

Here’s some information about Knight’s Retreat plus a trailer:

Project Colonies: MARS 2120

QUByte Interactive has released the first trailer for Project Colonies: MARS 2120, its 2.5D side-scrolling action adventure game. We have it below.

A release window for Project Colonies: MARS 2120 has not yet been announced. We have more information about the game here.

Tinker Racers

QUByte Interactive and Rumbora Party Games have announced that Tinker Racers, a survival racing party game, is heading to Switch. The two sides did not provide a release window.

Here’s some information about Tinker Racers plus a trailer:

John the Zombie

The zombie simulator John the Zombie is in the works for Switch, QUByte Interactive and Minimal Lab announced today. A release date has not been confirmed at this time.

We have the following overview and trailer for John the Zombie:

Red Ronin

QUByte Interactive, Thiago Oliveira, and Wired Dreams Studio have announced the tactical turn-based “dash ‘n slash” game Red Ronin. It’s been confirmed for release on Switch, but there’s no word yet on a release window.

Here’s some information about the game as well as a trailer:

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