More Langrisser 3DS details
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Earlier today we found out about the new Langrisser game for 3DS thanks to Famitsu. A few more details about the project have now emerged, via the magazine’s interview with Soshi Saito. View them in our roundup below.
– Extreme wants to make games from the Masaya catalog available on the Virtual Console
– Extreme also wants to work with devs that share the same enthusiasm
– Extreme has been leaning more towards making games for consoles since they feel that smartphones can’t match the expressive powers of a dedicated game console
– This led to the development of the new Langrisser for the 3DS
– Extreme wants to bring back the excitement of Masaya’s brands (popular during the ‘90s)
– Extreme’s philosophy is to make games for videogame fans
– Extreme also considered Cho Aniki and Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman [the prequel to Shockman] but felt that Langrisser would be the best choice for a revival
– New Langrisser will be a little different from previous entries
– This is because Extreme felt it wouldn’t be good to keep things the way they used to be
– Extreme thought about asking Satoshi Urushihara (artist for the previous Langrisser games) to come on board, but went with Hiroshi Kaieda instead
– Idea was to do something new
– Saito is also a fan of Kaieda’s
– Extreme also initially thought about keeping the system exactly the same as the earlier Langrisser games, but that has changed as well