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Thylacine Studios

Siralim Ultimate gameplay

Thylacine Studios just brought Siralim Ultimate to Switch, and new gameplay shows off the monster-catching, dungeon-crawling RPG. A half hour of footage has dropped.

We have more information in the following overview:

Siralim Ultimate

Siralim 3 is already on Switch, and Thylacine Studios is now getting ready to follow that up with Siralim Ultimate. An eShop listing has it down for December 2, 2022.

Siralim Ultimate is another monster catching, dungeon crawling RPG. It has over 1,200 creatures to collect, fusing monsters, randomly generated dungeons, and more.

Siralim 3

The monster catching RPG Siralim 3 lands on the Switch eShop this Friday. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

It’s been announced that the “deep, monster catching RPG” Siralim 3 is coming to Switch on July 5. You’ll be able to find it on the eShop for $14.99.

Here’s an overview of the game:

Siralim 3

Siralim 3 will be released on Switch, Thylacine Studios has confirmed. Fans can expect it sometime after the PC launch, which is taking place this may.

Siralim 3 is a monster taming RPG with over 700 creatures to collect and breed. The gameplay involves exploring randomly generated dungeons.

Continue on below for additional information and a trailer for Siralim 3.

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