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Control Ultimate Edition - Cloud Version

Games releasing on Switch in cloud form have existed for awhile. Resident Evil 7 is really one of the first titles that kicked things off, though it was only offered in Japan.

This week though, two more cloud games were announced for Switch. Control Ultimate Edition is already live on the eShop, with Hitman 3 to follow. Both are planned for multiple regions.


Switch has seen the release of a few cloud-powered games. Phantasy Star Online 2 kicked things off, followed by Resident Evil 7 and most recently Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

There’s one company behind all of these games on Switch: Ubitus. Though the titles are only available in Japan, it’s worth getting some insight into how they’re running and the tech behind the service. For that reason, we’ve gone ahead and translated an interesting interview with director of game development Ko Midoro and SVP of global business development Ozan Kocoglu, which was recently conducted by Famitsu.

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