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Tezuka on New Super Mario Bros. similarities, Donkey Kong impact, touch-only Mario

Posted on June 18, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U

Takashi Tezuka has been offering some valuable insightful into the Mario series through numerous interviews. He’s probably the best man to talk about the franchise (aside from Miyamoto!) since he’s been working on it since the first Super Mario Bros.

Tekuza’s latest remarks include the reasoning behind the similarities between all of the New Super Mario Bros. games, how Donkey Kong Country Returns’ visuals motivated the NSMB Wii team, the possibility of a touch screen only Mario, and more.

For Tezuka’s exact quotes, head past the break.

Tezuka on what was most surprising about New Super Mario Bros. Wii’s reception and players’ strong enjoyment of the competitive multiplayer…

“To start with, that was a game where we really focused our attention on the multiplayer aspect during development. In the early experimentation phase, we had some tests with four players on the screen at the same time, and we had so much fun within our group that we decided to focus on that four-player multiplayer aspect.

“Of course, one thing we discovered right away was that people were having a lot of fun really battling each other rather than acting cooperatively. Some folks really liked the idea of “that’s the one guy that I’m gonna pick on.” Of course, there were folks who didn’t enjoy that kind of gameplay at all! There was another group that really wanted to cooperate and work together. Frankly speaking, a lot of our female players and female staff felt more in tune with that sort of cooperative element. So we had a lot of internal discussion with which one we proceed with: this combative style or this cooperative style? We talked about this quite a bit, and the result was, let’s do both!”

Tezuka on whether or not it’s a design decision to make the New Super Mario Bros. games similar mechanically and visually…

“It’s intentional. That similarity in the visual style and the control style is all intentional. The things we feel like we’ve already promised the gamer is that Peach will be kidnapped by Bowser, and Mario will move from left to right. We know that’s what people are expecting! [Laughs] We know that there are all types of Mario games, as you said. So for us, with the New Super Mario Bros. series, we don’t really need to mess with it. This is what people want.

“One of the things we always focus on in development is that we want a wide audience to play these games and enjoy them. So we’re looking at games that are accessible and intuitive. So, for example, we have a recurring enemy type from one game to the next. If in the first game the enemy acts a certain way and has a certain functionality, our audience says, ‘OK, I know what to expect.’ If they see that character in [the new] game and it’s completely different, I don’t think that’s a good thing. For characters like the Goombas and the Koopas, those are the building blocks, the fundamental things that we’re not going to change.”

Tezuka on whether or not any 2D game influenced him or he’s particularly impressed with…

“The Donkey Kong game that we just had out on Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns–I actually got a glimpse of a ROM while they were still in development. The graphics were so pretty that I thought, wow, that looks really nice. We were working on New Super Mario Bros. Wii at the time, and that really became an impetus. That really kicked us in the butts. I don’t know if ‘influence’ is the right word, but it had an impact.”

Tezuka on what sort of extra work is involved with the transition to HD…

“I don’t know if it’s extra work; it’s just that we had to focus our attention. Now that we’re in HD, what’s the best art style that takes advantage of that? So there’s extra consideration of the art style itself, but not any extra work per se.”

Tezuka on what was tried with the early Wii U prototypes…

“The thing that we started first was what ended up being Boost mode, that ability to add extra platforms for players [using the GamePad touch screen]. One thing we learned via the DS system was that touch-screen control was something that’s best used only when necessary. It wasn’t the key controller. We didn’t want to throw it in and use it everywhere. To be honest, we didn’t feel that traditional Mario [directional pad] movement married with touch screen at the same time worked that well. So that’s why using the touch screen only where it made sense, as we learned with the DS, was something that we brought to [this new game].

“With the touch screen, our feeling is that it really depends on the type of game you’re developing. So if you’ve a game where you’re stopped, thinking about things and checking stuff out, or you’ve got inventories and whatnot…then man! The touch screen is fantastic! But Mario is a game that’s always on the move, so it’s not necessary to have it as a key control feature.”

Tezuka on how he feels about Mario being on the iPhone and whether or not a Mario game could be made that’s 2D only…

“We can definitely make a Mario game that’s touch screen only. It wouldn’t be a 2D side-scrolling Mario platformer, but I think we can definitely make games maybe in the vein of Mario vs. Donkey Kong or something like that. I think that’s definitely possible. Would we make that for another platform? No. Of course not. It would be on a Nintendo platform. But it’s definitely something we could do. It just wouldn’t be a 2D side-scrolling platformer.”


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