Unpacking dev unhappy with Nintendo for not taking action against “cheap fakes”
December 16: Unpacking creative director Wren Brier has expressed frustration on social media over Nintendo’s lack of action concerning “cheap fakes”.
Unpacking launched on Nintendo Switch at the end of 2021 to much success. However, searching for that name now also brings up “Unpacking Universe Dreams” from CGI Lab – which released in late October – along with various DLC (including a bundle for that title). Brier reported the game to Nintendo, but the company apparently hasn’t responded.
Brier said:
“It’s been over two weeks and these are still on the eShop. Nintendo hasn’t responded to any of our reports of these egregious scams which are using our trademarked game name and purposely tricking Nintendo customers into buying cheap fakes.”
Compared to Nintendo’s previous digital storefronts, restrictions on the Nintendo eShop have been much more lax. The marketplace has been flooded with ripoffs, copycats, and a variety of other games which you could argue fall into the shovelware category.
Again, as of now, Nintendo has yet to take action on the game Brier reported. We’ll let you know if anything changes.
As for Unpacking itself, you can learn more about it here.
December 17: Unpacking Universe Dreams, along with its DLC, have now been removed apparently. Searching for this one now yields no results, so Nintendo has seemingly taken action.