Yooka-Laylee – new NPC revealed, new art
Playtonic posted a new Yooka-Laylee update on its website today. You can find it in its entirety here.
One of the notable excerpts from the update is a look at a new NPC, pictured above. Playtonic describes here as follows:
“One new character you may have spied in a recent issue of Edge is the slender lass below. Crayoned by our own Kev Bayliss, this yet-to-be-named NPC will require Yooka and Laylee’s assistance on the very first world of the game. Obviously she’s forgot to turn the iron off or something and they’ll need to go and get the spare keys off her landlord.”
Playtonic also unveiled a new piece of art at EGX last week, which was made by Dean Wilson. We’ve attached it below.