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Bandai Namco confirms Dragon Ball Fusions update for the west – online play, new characters, and more

Posted on November 22, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Since Bandai Namco put out Dragon Ball Fusions in Japan, developer Ganbarion has been working on a steady stream of updates for the game. Online play was added, along with a bunch of other stuff like new characters.

Bandai Namco has now confirmed that the same type of content will head west. In early 2017, an update will be made available “that will implement online battles, an online special moves trading function, new characters, new fusion possibilities, and more.” Bandai Namco will share more details about the update including a specific date in the future.

It’s unclear if North America will simply be getting one huge update encompassing all of Japan’s patches. Also, while this news specifically pertains to the states, Europe should have access as well following launch next February.

Japan is actually receiving its third update on December 7. After participating in online events, players can gain access to the new characters Super Saiyan Trunks, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito, and the fused version of Zamasu from Dragon Ball Super. Players can also unlock new moves and titles depending on their completion.


Source: Bandai Namco PR

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