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SEGA releasing a patch for Sonic Lost World next month to address Frozen Factory 3 glitch and other issues

Posted on November 29, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

A patch will be released for Sonic Lost World next month, SEGA has confirmed.

The update will be available around December 11. It’ll address a glitch found in Frozen Factory 3 (see above), among other issues.

After one player inquired about the casino stage’s glitch, SEGA Japan responded with the following:

Thank you very much for your continued support of SEGA. At this time, we apologize for your trouble related with Sonic Lost World. We are deeply sorry.

In regards to your message, the company responsible is investigating this phenomenon. We apologize for this happening.

We plan on having this fixed on the Version 3.0.0 Update coming approximately December 11th. Please excuse us for having to ask you to wait until delivery. We are resolving to fix many other issues that different customers have reported as well.

Source, Via

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