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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS screenshot + Announcement (09/16/14)

Posted on September 16, 2014 by (@gamrah) in 3DS, News, Screenshots

Sakurai eases up on the feature talk today and instead opts for a helpful gameplay tip for players:

With the release of the 3DS version in Japan, Sakurai also took some time to clarify how screenshots will be handled going forward:

Announcement: Originally, the pic of the day was only supposed to continue for about two months, but I’ve ended up posting pictures until even today. The 3DS version has already been released in Japan, so I would like to talk about how future posts will be handled.

First, I will not talk about hidden features until the game is released overseas. On the other hand, I definitely will talk about them after the game is released abroad.

In addition, I am planning to continue making posts at least until the Wii U version is released. I haven’t decided if I’ll go by the Japanese version release or the release of versions abroad, but the point is that I’ll continue posting for a little bit longer.

Pic of the day won’t focus on introducing new information anymore in the near future, but I hope to entertain you with interesting and funny photos like I originally intended to. Thanks.

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