New music at Disney World’s Epcot Play Zone may hint at a Mario Kart appearance in Wreck-It Ralph 2
Posted on 6 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 0 comments
In the lead up to the release of Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph 2 in theaters this November, the company’s marketing efforts are now turning focus towards the film. As such, attractions and even music are being transitioned over throughout Disney World’s new Play Zone at Epcot to reflect the upcoming release.
While no official confirmation has been made by Nintendo or Disney at this point, the attentive ears of Attractions Magazine on Twitter have caught on video what sounds like a new orchestration of the Super Mario Kart theme playing at the park.
More: Mario Kart, movie, Wreck-It Ralph 2
Wreck-It Ralph 2 coming in 2018
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 9 Comments
A sequel to the Disney’s 2012 animated movie Wreck-It Ralph is in development, the company announced today. Wreck-It Ralph 2 will debut on March 9, 2018.
Rich Moore is back as director. John Reilly, who voiced Wreck-It Ralph in the original film, is also returning. Phil Johnston will be co-directing after co-writing the first movie.
The first Wreck-It Ralph featured plenty of video game cameos, including Bowser. Moore has previously spoken about wanting to have Mario in a potential sequel.
More: movie, Wreck-It Ralph 2
Wreck-It Ralph director still interested in making a sequel and featuring Mario
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 26 Comments
Wreck-It Ralph 2 hasn’t been officially announced, but the original film’s director has once again hinted that it will happen.
IGN asked Rich Moore if a sequel is still in the cards. In response, Moore laughed and said “maybe, maybe” before mouthing the word “yes.”
He also mentioned:
“I think the world of that first film is so big and the characters are very rich and I just think that they have more stories in them. The end of the movie felt like a launching point. It felt like it wouldn’t be straining to tell another story in that world as some films are. To me, I feel like I can definitely see where it would go, and I think the audience kind of felt that way too.”
As for including Mario in a potential sequel, Moore added: “In the first one we didn’t have Mario in that movie, so it would be great to have the great Mario in a second one if we did it.” Thanks to a “good relationship with Nintendo,” this might be possible.