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Suda51 says Nintendo was supportive of No More Heroes, would like to revisit the series

Posted on November 20, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii

This month’s issue of EDGE contains a feature on No More Heroes. Of course, the article wouldn’t be complete without an interview with director Goichi Suda – otherwise known as Suda51.

Suda51 talked about a number of topics while speaking with EDGE. Some of his responses are more notable of others, such as him stating that Nintendo was supportive of the franchise despite its mature nature:

They were very supportive, especially Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe. In Japan and also in Europe, we released a lighter version, where the heads don’t fly like they do in the American version. The mature content was only in the American version.

Elsewhere in the interview, Suda51 mentioned that he’d eventually like to return to the No More Heroes series:

No More Heroes was a smash hit as far as we were concerned, and I wanted to return to it and to make it a series over which we would take great care. I often get asked to make a third game. Right now we’re busy with Let It Die, but Travis is a character we could even return to in ten years’ time. When the timing is right, I’d like to do so.


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