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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night dev update explains how procedural generation is being used

Posted on December 13, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night creator Koji Igarashi took to Kickstarter today and explained how the team is going about improving environments on the game.

One of the issues Igarashi wanted to address was players being unsure of “where a platform was, or whether the thing they were looking at was a wall or something they could pass through.” This has been improved by increasing the brightness of the front side of platforms while making more distant parts of the environments darker.

The Bloodstained team is also now making use of procedural generation in environments. Before that term scares you off, the explanation makes sense, as it will allow for smoother development. To put it simply, procedural generation is being used “to auto-generate environmental grime and destruction effects.” Doing so means environments will have more of a visual flair and will ensure that areas won’t give off the impression of being “looped”. Variation could have been done by hand, but it “would require a disproportionately large amount of resources,” Igarashi noted. Procedural generation allows for that variation without putting a huge burden on the developers.

The following video shows the usage of procedural generation:

For the full Kickstarter update, visit the source link below.


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