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Ace Attorney devs “thinking hard about what comes next” and “getting things ready right now”

Posted on February 10, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

The Great Ace Attorney 2 launched in Japan last August, and will likely remain Japan-exclusive as was the case with its predecessor. But now the question is, what comes next for the series? Capcom did confirm that the franchise will be appearing on Switch in some fashion, but hasn’t divulged any specifics – though rumors are out there.

Regarding the future of Ace Attorney, producer Motohide Eshiro told Famitsu that he and series creator Shu Takumi and “thinking hard about what comes next and we’re getting things ready right now.”

Eshiro mentioned:

“There’s nothing I can say specifically at the moment [laughs]. But [Takumi and I] are thinking hard about what comes next and we’re getting things ready right now. Please look forward to – all – the Ace Attorney series has to offer!”

Takumi also shared a small story about Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. Just after the team finished work on the fifth case for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS, Capcom decided to announce the new game out of the blue:

“Right after we finished Rise from the Ashes, the team was exhausted… and then the higher-ups publicly announced ‘we’re making AA4!’ We were like, ‘we are!?'”


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