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We’ve been hearing all sorts of rumblings surrounding a Wii price cut in North America, but the UK may be receiving a bundle instead. The rumored bundle will supposedly include Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, a Wiimote/nunchuck, MotionPlus, and the Wii console. As was previously mentioned, the bundle would allegedly cost the same price, but consumers who would have been interested in purchasing Wii Sports Resort could save a decent amount of money.


Level-5’s TGS 2009 lineup

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments


Inazuma Eleven 2
Professor Layton and the Demon’s Flute
Ni no Kuni


Danbol Senki
Atama no Taisou 3/4
Inazuma Eleven Future
Sloane & MacHale’s Mysteries 2
Mystery Room

Famitsu review scores

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 2 Comments

Minna no Sukkiri (PSP) – 7/8/7/8
Inazuma Eleven 2 (DS) – 8/8/8/9
Chara-Chinko (DS) – 5/6/6/7
MySims Agents (DS) – 7/7/6/7

Gran Turismo (PSP) – 8/8/8/8
Macross Ultimate Frontier (PSP) – 8/9/8/9
Tales of Vesperia (PS3) -?9/9/9/8
Nina Gaiden ?2 (PS3)?9/9/9/8
Halo 3? ODST (360) – 8/8/8/9
Shin Sengoku Musou MULTI RAID Special (PS3/360) – 8/8/8/8
Dead Space Extraction (Wii) – 8/7/7/6
MySims Agents (Wii) – 7/6/7/6

Trinity Universe (PS3) – 6/8/8/7

Will be updating this post if/when more scores come in…

Surprise, surprise. A Taiko no Tatsujin peripheral was found in the Japanese trademark database, which was filed by Namco Bandai. The accessory is composed of soft material, though, unlike the most recent drum add-on. Images provided in the patent show that the Wiimote can be placed inside the drum and then, by lightly knocking it, notes can be played. This new peripheral makes more financial sense than the plastic drum for Namco Bandai. Because it’s inflatable, it’ll cost less to produce.


“As all I take part in is the Prime series, I am not capable of commenting on the whole Metroid series. But we will keep considering multiplayer for the Prime series. For instance, I think I can come up with some unique ideas using the Morph Ball, which is a specific skill of Samus.” – Nintendo producer, Kensuke Tanabe

“To be fair, there’s been a number of releases from Retro Studios since 2004. Metroid Prime 2 was launched worldwide in 2004 and 2005. Metroid Prime 3 was launched in late 2007 in the U.S. and Europe, 2008 in Japan, and the current launch of Metroid Prime: Trilogy, worldwide in 2009. Efforts and resources involved supporting NTSC, PAL and Japanese launches are considerable. That’s been a busy schedule and it’s kept us very engaged.” – Nintendo producer, Kensuke Tanabe

“And the new title of Retro is of course, under development. Hopefully we can address some information in the next year.” – Nintendo producer, Kensuke Tanabe

There’s a few other interesting tidbits from this interview as well. According to Tanabe, “localization requires much more time and workforce than you can imagine.” Retro has, technically, worked on 10 different versions. And that’s not including the TGS demo of the Wii prototype.

Source 1, Source 2

FIFA 10 DS screenshots

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments


A bunch more here

Thanks to VySe for the news tip!

Looks like Capcom loves hosting contests. The last time they teased a surprise, they began a Monster Hunter competition. And now it looks like they’re doing the same thing with Mega Man 9. The winner of their latest contest will receive a Mega Man 9 press kit while 15 runner-ups can obtain a code for the downloadable title. You can check out the details below.

On this day, a year ago, Mega Man 9 was released on the Wii. We mentioned yesterday that we’d be celebrating today with something special and we are. Unfortunately, there are no new announcements to be made (sorry, the internet), but there are prizes to be won. Specifically, one of the last Mega Man 9 press kits that we made over a year ago.

So, what’s the catch? Well, we’re kicking off a new Mega Man Tribute contest to be judged by a selected panel of Capcom employees. All you have to do is create something to show how passionate you are about Mega Man: baked goods, home-made models, music, videos, art, costumes, etc. Please be sure that it is something new that we haven’t seen before OR something that has been improved upon. Your goal should be to warm our cold, jaded hearts on the panel because here at Unity, we’ve seen tons of fan made Mega Man stuff. If you’re not sure if something has been done or not, do a quick search on the site.

A few weeks ago, we heard that New Super Mario Bros. Wii would be launching in November. This made perfect sense, since Nintendo’s only release is Style Savvy. But no there’s a specific rumored date. Apparently North American gamers will be able to play the title on November 15. Meanwhile, it’ll ship two weeks later in Europe, on November 27. As usual, we’ll have to wait and see if these dates stick but consider this a rumor until Nintendo makes an official announcement.


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