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Game Informer review scores

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

The latest Game Informer review scores are as follows:

The Beatles: Rockband (8.75,8.75)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (9.5,9.5) – GOTM
Madden NFL 10 (8.75,8.75)
King of Fighters 12 (7,6)
Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince (7,6.5)
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen (6.25)
Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs (6.5)

Watchmen: End is Nigh (5.5)
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (3.5,4)
Dynasty Warriors 6 (6.25)
G-Force (7.75)
Virtua Tennis 2009 (7,7)
Wii Sports Resort (7.5,8)
Madden 10 – Wii (6,6.5)

East India Company (6.5,7)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy (6.5,6.5)
Pangya: Fantasy Golf (7,7)

Thursday 13th August/…Eidos Interactive are proud to announce that IO Interactive’s new adventure Mini NinjasTM will be released from 8th September across North America, 11th September in the United Kingdom and PAL territories and 9th October in France and Germany and will be available on Wii™, Nintendo DS™, Xbox 360®video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Games for Windows® and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

Mini Ninjas takes you on a journey to feudal Japan where you join Hiro, Futo, and the rest of the ninja clan on their biggest ninja adventure ever as they embark on an epic and electrifying quest to restore harmony to a world on the brink of chaos.


– First DLC quest is Buchi Kowase Sukima wo (128)
– Need to clear the game and finish normal quest 007 to go through the quest
– Quest is in St. Shutein, from a man at the bottom of a well

– Second quest is Shomotsu no Kagi wo Sagase (129)
– Located in St. Shutein
– Need to finish the game, complete normal quest 23 (Rekishisho wo Sagase), and finish add-on quest 127 (Ou no Miru Yume)
– Builds off of quest 127
– New gesture when you clear the quest


01./00. [PS2] SD Gundam G Generation Wars (Bandai Namco) – 175,000
02./01. [WII] Monster Hunter Tri (Capcom) – 137,000 / 657,000
03./02. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX (Square Enix) – 136,000 / 3,517,000

04./00. [PSP] Tales of VS. (Bandai Namco) – 133,000
05./03. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo) – 91,000 / 602,000
06./04. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo) – 73,000 / 901,000

07./00. [PS2] Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes (Bandai Namco) – 52,000
08./00. [WII] SD Gundam G Generation Wars (Bandai Namco) – 33,000
09./00. [NDS] Color Changing Tingle’s Balloon Trip of Love (Nintendo) – 33,000

10./00. [PS2] J-League Winning Eleven 2009: Club Championship (Konami) – 33,000


Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you all know that I have returned from my trip. Although I did have a pretty good time, it made me realize how much the site has become such a big part of my life. Honestly, I did miss updating the site and maintaining my regular schedule. I’m just glad Austin did an admirable job while I was gone…And I’m also happy the site didn’t experience any technical issues.

In any case, I’m not going to drag this on long…I’ll get back to updating NE in a few short minutes.

Discipline screenshots

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment

This information comes from the Capcom-Unity forums…

“Corporately, they were dissolved… in actually, people and projects were absorbed. The reality is, Okami and Godhand had shipped and the headcount transition began after those games were completed. There were no new projects initiated after that point that I’m aware of.” – Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

I’m still pretty saddened that Clover is no more. Platinum Games is sort of like the rebirth of Clover, but that company brought us Okami – That’s still one of my favorite games of all time!

Just wanted to give you guys the quick update about this app. Should be a fun little tool! Anyway, I’ll have a few more posts later tonight and Austin will be back for more news. And tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be back to work on the site!

Hatena is proud to announce the launch of Flipnote Hatena – a web service for posting and sharing Flipnotes – for the United States and Canada. This service is used in conjunction with Flipnote Studio, available for download from the Nintendo DSi Shop starting today.

Flipnote Studio is a free, downloadable Nintendo DSiWare application available to any Nintendo DSi user with access to a wireless broadband internet connection. By connecting to the internet and accessing Flipnote Hatena through Flipnote Studio, you can post your own Flipnotes, view Flipnotes posted by other users, add ? to your favorites and more.

Posted Flipnotes can also be viewed on the Flipnote Hatena website, provided by Hatena Co., Ltd. Log in to this website with a Hatena ID to have even more fun with Flipnotes with features such as posting comments and sorting Flipnotes by channel.

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