Top 5 reasons why you should buy The Conduit
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features, Wii | 9 Comments
With the release of The Conduit on the horizon, many Wii owners are greatly anticipating what they believe to be one of the summer’s hottest titles. And with a game that features a great weapons selection, solid online play and startlingly customizable control, who can blame them? Many gamers have pre-ordered the title (myself included) and even more have set aside the money to buy the game as soon as it launches. But what about those who haven’t? Here are the top reasons why they need to re-route their most recent paycheck to The Conduit.
Nintendo Wii MotionPlus walkthrough
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
World Championship Athletics (Wii) – E
WireWay (DS0 – E
Science Papa (DS) – E
Imagine Detective (DS) – E
Imagine Teacher Class Trip (DS) – E
Cursed Mountain (Wii) – M
Dragonology (DS) – E
5 Sports Party (Wii) – E
JumpStart Pet Rescue (Wii) – EC
Academy of Champions (Wii) – E
Aliens in the Attic (Wii) – E10+
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Wii) – E
Toribash (Wii) – T
Water Warfare (Wii) – E10+
The Beatles: Rock Band (Wii) – T
New Mega Man game announced
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 5 Comments
Capcom was present at the World Hobby Fair which has been taking place over the weekend and announced a new Mega Man title. It’s not Mega Man 10 unfortunately, but it is Rockman EXE Operator Shooting Star for the Nintendo DS. It’s a Star Force and Battle Network crossover and should be releasing in Japan later this year. Other than that, you’ll have to wait a few weeks before any additional details, as more information will be shared in the September issue of CoroCoro. That edition of the magazine will arrive in August.
New Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver footage
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
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Tales of Graces low quality trailer
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
HVS to push for more of a PS3/360 online experience for Wii based on The Conduit multiplayer reaction
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
When High Voltage Software’s The Conduit releases next week, it may very well be the best online-enabled title on the Wii to date. Even so, most gamers will probably retain the belief that the PS3 and Xbox 360 boast better online functionality. But there is some hopeful news for Wii owners. Rob Nicholls, Lead Game Designer at HVS stated on a Ning network page that the general reaction to multiplayer in The Conduit will allow High Voltage to push for “the experience more like other titles on other platforms.”
“It IS available in public (both worldwide and regional) matches, but yes only with Friends (people you’ve shared codes with) in those matches. We don’t have an invite system. However, you can see from the main multiplayer page how many Friends you have online and then see from the Friend list who they are and what type of game they are playing. You can then elect to join that friend or not. Character limit on profile names is 8; there is no ability to do “clan tags”. And no, you cannot rename your profile without losing your multiplayer information. These are all things we will be addressing in future products; however for Conduit we focused on the gameplay first and getting a good system up and running on Nintendo’s servers. IF multiplayer does well, this will give us more to push with when we want to make the experience more like other titles on other platforms.”
New Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver scans
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 1 Comment
Thanks to Jake for the news tip!