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There’s a lot of questions here…Will this end up on Wii? And if so, will it be a WiiWare title? WayForward has certainly had there hands full with a number of Wii games lately – mainly LIT and the ongoing development of A Boy and His Blob.


“It [Resident Evil 5] was made for the Xbox 360 and PS3. That being said, Nintendo Wii fans will be very happy very soon.” – Capcom’s Associate Product Marketing Manager, Matt Dahlgren

It does look like Mr. Dahlgren is pointing to some Resident Evil content here. When budged, although, he would not confirm if an announcement could be expected at GDC or E3, Dahlgren did iterate that news will be coming “very soon.”



Clu Clu Land – NES
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair – SEGA MEGA DRIVE


This information comes from the latest edition of Iwata Asks…

“In my personal opinion, I think it would be great if Nintendo DSi became a device allowing children to experience the Internet for the first time. I think there’s an immense value in being able to experience the Internet in the way you like using a handheld rather than a personal computer. In order to put your mind to rest when children use it, you can sign up for I-filter, which blocks objectionable content.” – Satoshi Furukawa, DSi Browser developer

MadWorld screenshots

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 6 Comments

“Tying directly into your single-player experience, there will be plenty of different ways that we’ll be able to keep the player checking out the site in-between play sessions. All of your stats and progress will be tracked online, so at any given time, you’ll be able to hop on and see where you stand with all of the missions, OddJobs, and rampages in the game. You’ll even be able to see the city’s surveillance-camera guy and watch what happens as you take down all 100 in the game.

Beyond that, there will be plenty of other surprises in store for players in terms of contests and prizes! A lot of that stuff is still being sorted out, but rest assured, our most talented players will be rewarded as long as they’re signed up with the game and continue to synch their stats via Wi-Fi Connection, so stay tuned!” – Gordon Hall, president and founder of Rockstar Leeds


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