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– Launches January 25th (Japan)
– 500 points to download channel
– Can only rent TV shows/movies (can’t keep them)
– 1 title to watch for 2 days = 300 Wii Points
– 2 title to watch for 3 days = 600 Wii Points
– 3 title to watch for 5 days = 800 Wii Points
– 3 anime episodes = 1 title
– Tetsuwan Atom, Aria the Animation, and Araiguma Rascal are free
– Gacchaman OVA, Kimba the White Lion, Ultraseven X, Swan Lake, Astro Boy are all available


Rock Band 2 (Wii) – 9.0
Skate It (Wii) – 6.0
Prince of Persia: The Fallen King (DS) – 7.0
Quantum of Solace (DS) – 6.0
Quantum of Solace (Wii) – 5.0
Skate It (DS) – 5.5
Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero (DS) – 7.0
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS) – 7.0
Call of Duty: World at War (Wii) – 8.0
Tony Hawk’s Motion (DS) – 4.0
Retro Game Challenge (DS) – 8.0
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades
Big Bang Mini (DS) – 8.5

First day sales in Japan

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

[PSP] Dissidia Final Fantasy (Square Enix) – 350k
[PS3] Gundam Musou 2 (Bandai Namco) – 106k
[PS2] Gundam Musou 2 (Bandai Namco) – 50k
[360] Gundam Musou 2 (Bandai Namco) – 14k
[NDS] Tales of Hearts: Anime Movie Edition (Bandai Namco) – 107k
[NDS] Tales of Hearts: CG Movie Edition (Bandai Namco) – 14k

[PS2] Fate/Unlimited Codes SP-Box (Capcom) – 32k
[PS2] Fate/Unlimited Codes (Capcom) – 19k
[NDS] Gensou Suikoden Tierkreis (Konami) – 40k
[360] Fable II (Microsoft) – 30k
[NDS] Ragnarok Online DS (GungHo) – 28k
[NDS] Momotarou Dentetsu: 20th Anniversary (Hudson) – 28k
[WII] Karaoke Joysound Wii (Hudson) – 24k

Source 1, Source 2

Nintendo Wii

North America:
1. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
2. Wii Fit (Nintendo)
3. Wii Music (Nintendo)
4. Active Life Outdoor Challenge (Namco Bandai)
5. Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip (Ubisoft)

1. Machi e Ikouyo: Doubutsu no Mori (Nintendo)
2. Machi e Ikouyo: Doubutsu no Mori WiiSpeak Bundle (Nintendo)
3. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
4. Wii Fit (Nintendo)
5. Taiko no Tatsujin Wii (Namco)

1. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
2. Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party (Ubisoft)
3. Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip (Ubisoft)
4. Wii Play (Nintendo)
5. Wii Fit (Nintendo)

Nintendo DS

North America:
1. Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force (Disney)
2. Personal Trainer: Cooking (Nintendo)
3. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
4. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
5. Brain Age (Nintendo)

1. Hoshi no Kirby: Ultra Super Deluxe (Nintendo)
2. Wagamama Fashion: Girls Mode (Nintendo)
3. Ragnarok Online DS (GungHo Works)
4. Pocket Monsters Platinum (Nintendo)
5. Gensou Suikoden Tierkreis (Konami)

1. Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training (Nintendo)
2. More Brain Training (Nintendo)
3. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
4. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
5. Puzzler Collection (Ubisoft)







Even though No More Heroes is generally considered to be a great game for the hardcore, if there was one aspect that was criticized more than anything else, it was the game’s open world. Suda51 is fully aware with the issues of the open world, however, and is looking to make drastic changes in No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle. “…We’ll once again manage to do what we want to do with realizing the open world, but expect big changes for No More Heroes 2’s open world.”

Also, while a release for No More Heroes 2 is well far off, Suda51 has discussed the possibilities of No More Heroes 3. “That’s something I don’t really think about — the future or the sequel. I’m just focusing on each title, so now I’m focusing on No More Heroes 2, and then we’re going to see later.”

Popular Internet game to appear on Wii, Nintendo DS, and PC

Deep Silver, the games label of Koch Media, a leading producer and distributor of digital entertainment products, and the developer inXile Entertainment are going to publish a brand-new version of the popular Internet game “Line Rider Freestyle” for Wii™, Nintendo DS™, and PC in 2009. Koch Media has secured the publishing rights for Europe, Turkey, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

“Line Rider” is a true phenomenon, with a seemingly simple, addictive principle. Millions of gamers have already played the Internet version. Numerous “Line Rider” video clips are found on the Internet, along with fan sites and increasingly spectacular tracks. At the Game Developers Conference, “Line Rider” was awarded the innovation prize.

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