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Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo’s Senior Director of Corporate Communications, has told Kombo what has taken a Wii storage solution so long, highlighting that the company wants to make sure that the interface is intuitive and that it is a necessity to make sure the solution is of high-quality. “We heard the gamers, there was frustation there. We hate hearing that so we tried to create a solution for it and we’re still listening, we’ll see what the response is to this and see how it goes. To why it took so long, I can tell you that quality control is job number one for us. We don’t want to get it out there until we know it’s going to work, we don’t want to get it out there until we know that it’s going to be a good easy intuitive interface. Hopefully good things come to those that wait.”

That last line sounds pretty good to me! I’m just glad we finally have a solution. Hopefully, the storage solution will be able to end the problems that many Wii owners face. I know some had wanted a hard drive, but if this works well, I personally won’t mind the SD card solution.


Wii Music: This week’s Instruments 1
World of Goo Info Video
Midnight Bowling Info Video
MadStone Info Video
Mario Super Sluggers: Mitch vs. Ande
Skate It Video 2
Digest Video

Demos (expire 10/12)

Crosswords DS-Wordsearch Demo
Spore Creatures
Lock’s Quest
MySims Kingdom

Namco Bandai has an event scheduled to show off unannounced games in just a few short hours. The stage presentation will last about 45 minutes and the company is promising “Secret and exclusive revealing titles.” It’s expected than a few new Wii and/or DS titles will be shown, but we’ll know for sure very soon. We’ll keep you posted.


In an interview with VentureBeat, Reggie Fils-Aime stated that Nintendo has no plans on “It’s [DS downloads] a nice added business model but it’s not something that’s going to take over retail game sales,” he said. “We’ll be able to see the sales growth and plan for it. But I guess similar to home consoles, the consumer will want an experience that’s best delivered through physical goods, simply because of the memory size required. There will always be those opportunities for big, in-depth games on retail products.”

Fils-Aime also revealed that

The possibilities of what Wii MotionPlus have been desired for a long time. For this reason, most Nintendo fans were more than content when the add-on was announcement. However, some have argued that MotionPlus should have been available in the Wii controller itself, when Nintendo launched the Wii console. Reggie Fils-Aime has explained Nintendo’s decision on the matter: “We were aware of that technology (the gryoscopic chips made by Invensense) at the time we designed the original Wii. But the cost would have been too high for the business model. It would have been unacceptable.”

I can’t believe how expensive it will become to obtain the “full” Wii controller experience. In North America, the Wii controller is $40, the nunchuck is $20, and then there’s Wii MotionPlus. If you ask me, that’s a lot to ask for if you’re interested in just one controller experience. Imagine how expensive it would be if Nintendo invested in the gyroscopic technology when they were creating the Wii initally.

An unknown source claims to have assets of Saint’s Row, a game which was at one time in development for the Wii. The source further claims that Californian Mass Media Inc. was in charge of the project. The game would see obvious downgrades in textures and geometry, though the general idea was to keep gameplay intact. As can be seen however, the project never saw the day of light.

“It’s not up to us, we want to see that game out there. You’ve seen it, it looks amazing and we would love to play it. It was Nintendo’s fault.” – Activision source

The odd thing here is that Nintendo doesn’t own the rights to GoldenEye. It isn’t their property, so the matter should be between Mircrosoft, Rare, and Activision.

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