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Capcom says Ace Attorney is “doing exceptionally well” worldwide

Posted on April 30, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch

Ace Attorney worldwide performance

Famitsu interviewed Capcom COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto this week, and some of the more interesting comments came about when the Japanese magazine asked about a couple of the company’s older IPs.

Tsujimoto indicated that being able to sell things digitally allows for more possibilities these days. He brought up Mega Man and how Capcom has a better understanding of how much something like the just-released Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection could sell (which is already at over one million copies by the way). 

Perhaps the most significant comment was Tsujimoto stating that Ace Attorney “is currently doing exceptionally well across the globe.” Capcom is focusing on the fact that the series was created by Shu Takumi to promote the upcoming re-release of Ghost Trick on new platforms since he led the way on that title as well.

Here’s our full translation of the interview excerpt:

With regards to development, on the one hand I’m sure you have a lot of demand for revitalizing and continuing existing IPs such as Mega Man and Ghost Trick. Can I hear your opinion about working with existing IPs?

Tsujimoto: That’s the kind of development that has occurred due to digital media becoming more mainstream. If you have a digital store, and we think ‘We want to sell this’, we can make that a reality immediately. A big part of it, at least in the case of the Mega Man series, was that up until now we have previously released collections of games, so we have information such as sales data and can more easily predict ‘If we release the Mega Man Battle Network series, we should be able to sell this much’. As for Ghost Trick, director Shu Takumi also worked on the Ace Attorney series, which is currently doing exceptionally well across the globe. By introducing a remaster of Ghost Trick with ‘This was also made by Shu Takumi the director of Ace Attorney’, we hope to be able to attract the attention of people all over the world.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, comprised of the series’ first three entries, was brought to Switch in 2019. That was followed up with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles in 2021, featuring games originally made for 3DS and were localized for the very first time.

Translation provided by Simon Griffin and SatsumaFS on behalf of Nintendo Everything.

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