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Monster Hunter 4 will have a big showing at the Tokyo Game Show this year. It’ll be playable for the first time, and Capcom will even be revealing “surprising information” during the show.

Specifics on this haven’t been announced yet, for obvious reasons. All that’s known is that details will be shared during the game’s stage event, which will also cover an introduction to new systems and actions.

Those who try out the Monster Hunter 4 demo will be able to battle three monsters and experience the new ruins field. Additionally, the “Controllable Insect Bow” weapon will be available.

Capcom will hand out the following bag to demo players, which includes a booklet and another novelty item:


Well, I’d say that this rumor makes a fair amount of sense! I don’t know anything about the techno-jargen, but it seems that the bottom line is that Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land are headed to the 3DS eShop as downloadable titles. Of course this is just a rumor for now, but it’s one that I’d say has a fair bit of clout given the online strategy Nintendo is pursuing.

For those interested, here’s the forum post that the rumor stems from:


Well I was running my weekly scan of Nintendo’s CDN (the server where Nintendo hosts eShop Titles), and the EUR version of Mario Kart 7’s title ID was added, sometime between now and last thursday.

You might call me wrong, but if you look at the TMD, it says the title has a manual and DLP Child, just like Mario Kart 7. And the NCCH files on CDN are very close to the size of the NCCH files from the EUR version of the ROM:

Executable NCCH: CDN/ROM = 609/611mb
Manual NCCH: CDN/ROM = 2.69/2.52mb
Dlp Child Container NCCH: CDN/ROM = 26.5/26.5mb


You can actually investigate the truthiness of this claim by downloading the “TMD” yourself.

Via GBATemp, GoNintendo

Capcom has shared details on a slew of weapons that will be included in Monster Hunter 4. Details about all known weapons can be found below.


– From ancient times
– Can control insects
– The “hunting insects” suck up energy from monsters that can strengthen the user
– Light weapon
– Allows the player to be very mobile

Great Sword

– Huge sword
– Like the tusk from a monster killed by a hunter
– Slow weapon
– If it hits a monster, it’ll kill it
– Can be used to guard

Long Sword

– Made for fast and consecutive strikes
– “Spirit” is accumulated after each strike which allows players to use a a spirit slash

Sword and Shield

– Versatile weapon
– Can execute a whirlwind slash
– Fast and constant attacks with few breaks in between
– Can use items while unsheathing the sword

Twin Swords

– Dual Sword users wield two small swords in both hands that can rapidly strike enemies
– Demon transformation mode adds more power


– Best offensive power out of all weapons
– Hit a monster on its head to make it dizzy

Hunting Horn

– Play songs that change status effects
– Play a tune while attacking a monster so you can simultaneously be an attack and support character


– Has a gigantic shield and long lance
– Guard and counter-attack


– Powerful weapon
– Adds explosive shells to a solid lance
– There is a “full burst” attack that unloads all of the bullets in the weapon


– Lightweight and mobile gunner
– Can hit monsters from afar
– Bowgunners have different rounds of ammunition
– One type gives you rapid fire


– Agile weapon
– Target weak points from a variety of differences

Switch Axe

– Sword and an axe in one
– Switch to axe mode to do powerful strikes
– Sword mode used for speed


Above is the Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney ad from this week’s Famitsu. It contains the release date puzzle, which apparently hints at a November 29 launch.

When Fracuted Soul releases, it’ll be the biggest game on the eShop. It takes up nearly 3,000 blocks on an SD card – 2,982 blocks, specifically. The large size shouldn’t come as a huge surprise as Fractured Soul started out as a retail title.

Other big eShop games include New Super Mario Bros. 2 (2,725 blocks) and Order Up! (2,485 blocks).


Each one of Renegade Kid’s games has appeared on a Nintendo platform. The only semi-exceptions to this are Mutant Mudds and Dementium II, both of which have also been made for the PC.

Even though Renegade Kid has showed interest in the PC as of late, the studio won’t be abandoning its support for Nintendo platforms. In fact, co-founder Jools Watsham wrote on his blog recently that the company “would like to put the majority of our future development efforts into the 3DS eShop and Wii U eShop titles”.

“Porting Mutant Mudds to the PC, and selling it on Steam, has the potential of bringing some much needed funds into Renegade Kid, which will go straight into the development of new games. As we’re being perfectly – and frankly – honest here; I would like to put the majority of our future development efforts into the 3DS eShop and Wii U eShop titles (we’re authorized Wii U developers now btw – excite!).”

Thanks to Chad for the tip.


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