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The Order Up!! 3DS demo wasn’t on the eShop today for a reason. SuperVillain Studios co-founder Chris Rausch confirmed that the download was delayed a week because “Nintendo is apparently going to get behind it for a bit of a push”.

This should mean that the game will receive its own section on the store next week. Maybe Nintendo will even send out a SpotPass notification about the demo.

According to Rausch:

“We have just received word that the demo is being pushed back a week on the eShop, as Nintendo is apparently going to get behind it for a bit of a push, which would be awesome! No specifics, but either way, expect the demo next week, and the game is now approved, so it should be hitting the eShop in early June.”


Tecmo Koei has opened a teaser site for Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 2nd. It’s mostly absent of content aside from a flashy animation. Over the next few months, however, it’ll be filled to the brim with screenshots, videos, and other media.

You can keep tabs on the site here.


X360 – 13,243 (+6%)
PS3 – 10,361 (+6%)
3DS – 7,494 (-6%)
PSV – 3,673 (-10%)
Wii – 3,118 (-4%)
DS – 2,959 (-6%)
PSP – 2,264 (-10%)


1: Diablo III (PC) – 93,182
2: Max Payne 3 (X360) – 58,863
3: Max Payne 3 (PS3) – 42,487
4: Sniper Elite V2 (X360) – 6,358
5: FIFA Street (X360) – 6,037
6: FIFA Street (PS3) – 5,857
7: FIFA Soccer 12 (X360) – 5,128
8: Sniper Elite V2 (PS3) – 4,826
9: Kinect Adventures! (X360) – 4,568
10: Prototype 2 (X360) – 4,475

Via VGChartz

Koto Battle: Tengai no Moribito will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Game Boy Color download on May 30 for 600 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


So, what happened to that Order Up!! demo for the eShop? It’s nowhere to be seen on the digital store this week, and it wasn’t included in Nintendo’s update.

Developer SuperVillain Studios had previously confirmed the demo for today’s eShop update.

… Maybe next week?

Tecmo Koei is making Ninja Gaiden’s Ayane available in Dynasty Warriors Vs. through a SpotPass download. Players can download the character as well as a new stage starting today.

You can find screenshots of Ayane in action in the gallery above.

It’s amazing that we’re actually getting a 3DS VC game for the second week in a row. I don’t even remember the last time that happened.

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop
Game & Watch Gallery 2 – Enjoy five different games in both their original and revised versions. Classic versions take you back to the ’80s, while modern versions offer improved play control, color and sound effects. (For Nintendo 3DS)

Nintendo eShop + Nintendo DSiWare
Snakenoid Deluxe – Enjoy a unique blend of classic game concepts. Use the stylus to control a snake on the lower screen and bounce the ball to destroy boulders on the upper screen. (For Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi)

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