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Nintendo of Europe has finally explained why they won’t be including the 100-hour RPG London Life in Professor Layton and the Specter’s Flute. I have a feeling that it won’t make fans too happy.

Responding to a fan email, a representative said:

“Many thanks for your email. The bonus role-playing mini-game called Professor Layton’s London Life will not be available to European fans. Localising software remains a high priority for Nintendo; however, in this instance it would have significantly delayed the European launch of the game. We took this decision as Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call is bursting to the brim with brand new puzzles and a surprising and captivating storyline. We wanted to make sure our European fans could get their hands on the game this year.”

Specter’s Flute is only due out one month later in Europe compared to North America, so you have to wonder why the game would have been pushed back just to localize London Life. Plus, Nintendo of America has a complete translation of the bonus. This reasoning sounds a bit off to me!


In about the span of a few days, we learned that the 3DS will be getting not one, but two Monster Hunter games. That’s a pretty big deal, especially considering how the titles could boost system sales.

Some people were expecting a possible announcement of Monster Hunter 4 for Vita as well this week. That never happened, though.

When asked about why Monster Hunter 4 is heading to 3DS and not Vita, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Hiroshi Kawano said, “I don’t know. You will have to ask Capcom.”

The one thing we should remember is that Capcom has never officially said that Monster Hunter 4 is exclusive to 3DS. It’s also possible that the company is preparing an original Monster Hunter title for Vita.


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