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Nintendo of Europe has announced that the 3DS video service will launch in Europe on Wednesday. That’s just a couple of days away!

Nintendo Video acts just like Spot TV in that users can automatically receive 2D and 3D videos through SpotPass. New content will appear on the home menu, but will be deleted after an unspecified amount of time.

Content to be available for the application includes:

– selected episodes of Oscar’s Oasis (TeamTO & TUBA) – for the first time completely in 3D
– Magic Tricks (D4D)
– country-exclusive content [Germany: ZDF.Archive with 3D documentaries about the Great Wall of China or Taj Mahal; videos of the Fantastische 4 tour]

Future content includes:

– movie trailers
– classic concerts
– animations for children


I assume that this music will be in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy in some form since it’s on the official site. I suppose you can consider it a soundtrack sample!

Jump told its readers that Theatrhythm Final Fantasy would have a story. However, the magazine didn’t elaborate beyond that.

Thanks to the official Theatrhythm Final Fantasy website, we do know of a few story-related bits. The page provided the following details:

– Space between the gods Chaos and Cosmos is called “Rhythm”
– “Rhythm” creates the crystal
– Crystal controls music, fills the world with sound
– Chaos forces disrupt the peace, causing the crystal to start loosing its shine
– Increase the music wave “Ripzo” to restore the shine
– Warriors then set off on a journey of music, guided by the crystal


Looks like Square Enix came through with the announcement sooner than I thought! They’ve also released the first screenshots and logo of the game. You can find the images below.

Square Enix today opened the official website for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. Although there isn’t much content available just yet, there is a key point included on a subpage.

The developer behind the title is indieszero Corporation. Some of the company’s previous work includes Electroplankton and Retro Game Challenge. indieszero’s latest title, DualPenSports, was released a few weeks ago.

This news come at a bit of a surprise, as the developer behind Theatrhythm was thought to be Jupiter. UTV Ignition’s Shane Bettenhausen led fans to believe that the company behind The World Ends with You was making Square Enix’s new project.

Square Enix still hasn’t shared any official screenshots or details, though with the site’s opening, a formal announcement should be made shortly.

Be sure to check out the new site for a neat, subtle 3D effect.

This information comes from Ken Berry, Director of Publishing at XSEED…

“We are looking at some 3DS titles, but for now I don’t think we’re ready to jump into that market just yet unless the perfect opportunity comes by. We’re still sort of sitting back and watching how the market plays out on the 3DS.”

I can’t blame XSEED for exercising some caution with the 3DS at the moment. There haven’t been many standout third-party games released, so it would be difficult to judge how their software would perform. Plus, the market for actual system sales has been somewhat volatile. XSEED might be more willing to publish games once the 3DS has established itself more in the industry.


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