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I wasn’t going to post this, but I figured I might as well. Ubisoft is already bringing its “Petz” line to the 3DS. I suppose this counts as one of the many games they have in the works for the system. I’m not interested, but perhaps one of you guys out there are… or maybe not.


What: Petz Fantasy™ 3D

Platform: Nintendo 3DS™ system

When: June 2011

Price: $39.99

Rating: E for Everyone

Details: Ubisoft today announced Petz Fantasy™
3D for the Nintendo 3DS, the first Nintendo 3DS title from the #1 handheld pet-simulation brand of 2010. Set to hit store shelves this summer, Petz Fantasy 3D is a fresh new nurturing game for the new Nintendo 3DS platform, allowing players to take care of incredibly realistic, surprising and adorable magical pets in an all-new way.

Tales of the Abyss 3DS will no longer hit Japanese store shelves on May 19. Namco Bandai announced a delay for the game and have yet to provide a new release date. No reason was given for the delay.


– Developed by Griptonite Games
– Play as Hal Jordan
– No other playable Lanterns
– Alternate costumes
– Manhunters are invading Planet Oa
– Stop the bad guys and save the day
– Gameplay comparable to Griptonite’s other DS titles
– Move Hal across the screen with the 3DS circle pad
– Blast bad guys with the ring
– Double jump to fly
– Hal can drop an anchor or car to crush foes when in the air
– Swirling on the touchscreen can allow you to scan enemies
– This will let you see their weakness
– Tap icons on the touchscreen to make a massive gun/bomb, takes time to recharge
Tapping icons on the touchscreen creates special constructs like a massive gun or bomb and then takes time to recharge.
– Side-scroller


This information comes from Ubisoft brand development director Damien Moret…

“Ubisoft has a strong partnership with Nintendo, and we’ve invested in creating compelling games for the 3DS – we currently have more than 15 3DS games in development. Nintendo does a great job of creating markets around their new ideas. With Street Pass, the 3D camera and rendering and other innovations, they’re in a great position to do it again with the 3DS. Put those things together with Nintendo’s existing handheld install base, and our expectations are that the 3DS will be an even bigger success than the original DS.”

It’s true that Ubisoft has given a ton of support to the 3DS so far, but quality is much more important than quantity. We’ve only seen one real standout title from the company thus far – Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. On the other hand, projects games as Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs and Asphalt 3D are terrible for the most part. I’d like to see Ubisoft take a more active role in producing fantastic content for the handheld, unlike the path they took with DS with saw a great amount of low-quality releases.


Accessory company GamingZap has created a brand new product for all of us 3DS owners out there called the “Hed Saver”, which is either some alien term I don’t know or a very deliberate misspelling of “Head Saver”. Take a look:

“Despite how great it is, the 3D display (as with all 3D displays) has been known to cause dizziness and headaches amongst some users. This can be extremely uncomfortable meaning that you have to actually take a break from playing on the new 3DS! GamingZap has now come to the rescue with the Hed Saver Cooling Patch, specifically designed to relieve you from the headaches and dizziness that can be caused by the 3DS. With a special blend of materials designed to get you feeling refreshed and focused again, the 3DS Hed Saver is just what you need to go with your Nintendo 3DS. It will bring you back to full health, ready to game again.”

I’ve had zero problems with headaches and dizziness on the 3DS, and I think the same is true for more people. Anyone out there have an intention to get one of these…?



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