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General Nintendo

It’s pretty much a well-known fact that third-parties haven’t been able to find success on the Wii. Sure, a few titles have performed beyond expectations – such as Just Dance – but on the whole, third-party releases just haven’t sold well.

Satoru Iwata was asked to comment on Nintendo’s inability to attract third-parties for the Wii at the company’s financial results briefing last week. Iwata explained that poor sales of previous games was a factor, as was the console’s graphical limitations and competition among other platforms. He also said that Nintendo is interested in cooperating with software developers for the Wii’s successor and admitted that third-parties are important to maintain the market.

“Regarding your analysis that cooperation with third-party software developers didn’t go as well for Wii as it went for Nintendo DS, there actually are some arguments which attribute the reason to the system’s ‘performance,’ but in terms of ‘performance,’ Nintendo DS did not overwhelm other devices by its performance. However, it proposed what other devices could not, and that value was recognized, and as a result the software sold well, which is the most important point. Unfortunately, there are very few success stories of third-party software in Japan on Wii. This lowered the motivation of the software developers, and at a time when these software developers should have been running their businesses on the platform with the biggest installed base, this wasn’t the reality. On the contrary, in the U.S., several titles sold well. Not only ‘JUST DANCE,’ which I introduced today, but for some titles, such as ‘Guitar Hero,’ even if the titles were released for multiple platforms, the Wii version sold the most, and in such a situation, the developers did not completely lose motivation for development on Wii. However, Wii is good in some areas but not in others, so especially for games like ‘Call of Duty,’ the Wii version sold pretty well, but the unit sales were very different from the versions of other platforms, and I assume that one of the reasons is the issue with the graphical representations which you mentioned before, and also, the consumers who like that kind of game will have other platforms at home as well, which led to this result. Of course, we would like to cooperate with software developers for Wii’s successor, and as I am repeatedly saying, I don’t believe Nintendo can carry out everything alone. I am saying that we are responsible for building up the market, but I don’t think that Nintendo can maintain the market alone; We are aiming for creating a situation where software publishers will be willing to cooperate. As for commenting on such things as the performance, I already stated in the beginning that I would not mention any specific plans. Thank you for your understanding.”


This information comes from Satoru Iwata…

“Whenever we make a new game console, we’ve done it without throwing away buttons and the directional pad. The reason for that it’s better to have them, because buttons and directional pads benefit gameplay response. Taking this into account, Nintendo isn’t planning on completely ditching buttons, nor is Nintendo thinking of taking tablets as they are today and implementing them in a game console.”

You can count on seeing a number of buttons on Project Cafe’s controller… 8, in fact, if rumors are to be believed.


Isn’t it nice to see a Zelda game grace the cover of Nintendo Power once again? I’m not too sure that the magazine will have anything new on the title, but it should be an interesting read nonetheless. Perhaps we’ll see Skyward Sword on a cover later this year…

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

This information comes from Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham…

“I just sent off some Mutant Mudd assets to a magazine for the reveal. The issue hits newsstands the first day of E3. Am I excited? Yes!”

Well, this is pretty exciting! We now know with 100% certainty that Mutant Mudds is back. We just have to wait roughly one month to find out what Renegade Kid is doing with the project.


Update: Andriasang has confirmed some of the information posted below, so it looks like most (if not all) of the points below are the real deal.

There seems to be a bit of confusion about when Nintendo’s last conference took place and what information was shared at the event. While the news below looks very legitimation, take the details with a grain of salt for now. Only one source has provided details from the conference so far, so it’s difficult to confirm that everything is completely accurate.

– No Kid Icarus: Uprising until after summer
– Nintendo interesting is adding more platforms to the eShop in addition to Game Boy/Game Boy Color
– Excitebike (3D Classic) apparently will be offered in Japan for free
– Nintendo still working on Wii Vitality Sensor
– Challenge with the sensor is that its easy to make it work for 80% of people, but difficult to make to make it work for 99%
– Nintendo needs other companies to succeed on the 3DS
– Nintendo still planning their own titles around third-party games
– Made decision on Wii successor announcement because of logistics for getting people to E3
– Nintendo still wants a surprise at E3 with their new console
– Iwata admitted that Nintendo has relied to much on its own, won’t do everything on their own from here on out
– Expect to see something about the above at E3
– Iwata: 3DS not meeting expectations following second week of sales
– Iwata believes the earthquake in Japan had an impact on sales, but isn’t the only factor
– European/US sales lower than expected
– Nintendo “need to make efforts” to improve sales
– Pokemon Black/White has sold more than previous versions globally in the same time frame
– More talk of Nintendo saying that Project Cafe is a new concept/structure for a console
– Nintendo will still be pushing the Wii
– Nintendo releasing one Wii title every month to push the console’s performance
– Nintendo realizes they must provide incentive for people to use StreetPass/system updates
– Because of this, free content such as classic games will be offered
– Nintendo feels that gaming is better with buttons, so you won’t see a machine without them
– Nintendo will accommodate social networking services in games, but won’t see Nintendo games on non-Nintendo hardware

Source 1, Source 2

I only include the images that actually made sense and didn’t just have a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo in them. You can check out all the images here if you’re one of those “intellectual” types. 😛


Update: Nintendo has officially confirmed that they are working on the Wii’s successor. You can check out a couple of details here.

WarioWorld is a website created for developers/publishers working on Nintendo platforms. It’s possible to detect some of the folders that exist on the site, as “wii”, “nitro” and “ctr” all direct you to the homepage. Understandably, bogus names will only lead to a 404 area.

So it’s interesting that “cafe” seems to work. This could be a small indication that Nintendo’s next console is indeed codenamed “Project Cafe.” Because Nitro is accessible, it’s clear that codenames are accepted. It probably would have been more helpful had someone discovered the “cafe” URL prior to the initial rumors, but this is still a very interesting find.


Dengeki Nintendo will be pulling back the curtain on a brand new Pokemon game next month. The magazine teased the announcement – which is set for May 21 – in their latest issue. It isn’t clear if the title is in development for the Wii or 3DS, nor do we know if it’s a spinoff or something more significant. We’ll bring you any information we come across on the 21st, though there is some speculation that CoroCoro will leak details early.


The video may come in handy for some of you… that is, if you understand Japanese or French!


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