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This information comes from Nintendo’s Kensuke Tanabe…

“I absolutely believe so (important to strengthen relationships with foreign developers). I work with other development partners, such as [Punch Out!! developer] Next Level Games in Vancouver and Monster Studios [of Pilotwings Resort] in Minneapolis. And they, much like Retro, really get our development philosophies. I want to find as many people as we can, as many great companies as we can to get involved with. I’m really looking for developers with a sense of craftsmanship. …there’s a real increase in the number of companies that look like they’re really running a business for business’ sake. There are many of those certainly within the midst of the gaming industry as a whole, or at least I feel that way.”

It’s important to note that Nintendo’s involvement with the projects being worked on by foreign developers is very important. Consider Next Level Games, for example. They created a standout title in Punch-Out!!, yet some of their other games such as Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon and Transformers: Cybertron Adventures have been mediocre.


Capcom opened an enigmatic teaser site today, titled “DD”. The site contains a countdown timer in addition to a simple animation… and that’s pretty much it. We’ll have to wait a bit before finding out what the site is all about, unfortunately. The counter will expire in seven days, which is basically a week from today. Might the site be related to an announcement at Captivate?

This information comes from TT Games’ Jonathan Smith…

“We’re always trying out new things, and we’ve certainly got some surprises in the pipeline for future titles.”

I’ve always felt like the LEGO games are enjoyable experiences, but I think that the series needs something new. You know, something interesting to spice things up a bit. I’m interested in hearing about the “surprises” TT Games has in store.


SEGA has previously stated that the company has numerous plans for Sonic’s 20th anniversary. It looks like we’ll be finding out what one of those surprises is later this week. According to SEGA’s Twitter page, an announcement of sorts will be taking place on Thursday.

“Sonic’s 20th Anniversary is this year, but SEGA start celebrating on 7th April and you’ll only find out how on the Sonic Facebook page!”


Capcom’s Captivate 2011 event is officially underway. The press will be experiencing already-announced titles for the next couple of days, but there is likely to be a surprise or two as well. Unfortunately, we won’t see anything from Captivate until next week. That’s because an embargo is in effect for all material until next Tuesday at 8 AM PST. Of course, that encompasses previews, screenshots, and trailers. We’ll be sure to bring you all assets once Capcom releases them online.


Suda51 has made a number of comments in the past regarding a third No More Heroes game. The topic of another sequel was once again brought up during Grasshopper Manufacture’s charity event yesterday.

Suda51 said that “Although it won’t happen soon, I’d like to do it at some point.” Following that remark, he turned to character designer Yusuke Kozaki and mecha designer Shigeto Koyama, saying, “Let’s make it together.”

Kozaki chimed in with a couple of comments as well. Apparently there were so many unused character ideas from the first two titles in the series that two more follow-ups with these axed characters could be made. Kozaki also has interest in making a game in which Shinobu is the star of the show. Nothing is planned at the moment, however.


Update: A number of folks are speculating that the announcement will be Monster Hunter 3DS. The game was apparently going to be announced at an event on March 13, but was cancelled due to the situation in Japan. Some believe the game will be revealed at Captivate this week, but I’m personally not too sure that will happen…

Yoshinori Ono made an appearance for the launch of the 3DS in Spain and was able to answer a few questions for the press. The Street Fighter producer was once again asked about the possibility of Street Fighter x Tekken coming to the handheld, but only offered the same information that was provided to Eurogamer. So it’s something that Ono would like to see, though nothing is planned at the moment.

Other than that, Ono teased that a big announcement is on the way. It seems likely that the reveal is 3DS related. Perhaps Capcom will share the announcement during Captivate, which will be taking place in less than two weeks.

Despite the fact that it seems as though Nintendo is always pumping a huge amount of money into research and development (3DS, much?), the company has decided to open a brand new, 150 million dollar R&D facility that will house 1,500 staff and be built much closer to their headquarters in Kyoto.

The goal of the new facility will be to keep their teams much closer together, and allow them to achieve even more innovation than they already have.


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