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General Nintendo

“I would say that particularly with digital download, you’re finding that there’s a sharp drop-off in the participation — particularly on console download that requires some kind of WiFi connection — by demographic. But at the same time, it would seem that the statistics of downloading Netflix videos on Xbox are pretty broad. And there’s a reason to believe that maybe it’s not the primary consumer in the household that sets up the WiFi, but that there is sort of a watershed sharing of that technology among all the consumers that might participate on it.” – Majesco EVP Gui Karyo

I couldn’t agree with this statement more, especially relating to the Wii. Setting my Wii up to get online was tedious enough, and I consider myself a very core gamer. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for some casual gamers to get online.



The developer of titles such as Demon’s Souls, Armored Core, and Tenchu: Shadow Assassins have begun to tease a new game on their website. Unsurprisingly, there isn’t much too it right now. More concrete news will be released in eleven days, which is when the countdown is expected to end.

Source 1, Source 2

With Wii sales at their current state, it almost seems silly to be discussing the next Nintendo console. Of course, the Wii isn’t at its highest demand as it once was, but overall sales have remained stable. Even so, Satoru Iwata was asked about the possibility of a new console at the first quarter financial results briefing. Don’t get too excited – Nintendo has no plans of releasing a new console in the near future.

“…Numerically there is still a possibility to even double the current user population of Wii and DS. Thus we do not believe at all that the expansion has come to an end nor do we need a new console any time soon. So we have not set specific years for the lifespan of current game systems. Of course our employees are researching hardware and those in charge of hardware are already working on developing it. When our internal ideas and trend in the world match up, and when it’s clear that we would be able to manufacture an abundant amount at an affordable price, we will be able to publicly speak about next hardware. At this time, we do not think that is in the near future.”

Without a doubt, Nintendo’s E3 2009 media briefing saw a rather large change over the year before. Hardcore gaming had a larger focus with announcements such as Golden Sun DS, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Metroid: Other M. However, there were still a number of issues that were present at the conference. Specifically, the overall presentation was unorganized and dull.

Satoru Iwata seems to agree that there is room for improvement, though. Iwata was asked about Nintendo’s perception of their latest conference at the first quarter financial results briefing and said he understands that it is important “to look into finding a better way to demonstrate the products’ appeal better.”

“As for the media briefing at E3, of course we had many internal discussions after that. Honestly speaking, none of us at Nintendo thought that our presentation at E3 was as good as it could have been. It is apparent that we could not fully convey the charm of our products. In the past, Wii Sports and Wii Fit were naturally able to convey their appeal on stage since it was something no one had ever seen or imagined before. People seemed to capture the appeal of Wii Sports instantly and although there was some initial confusion with Wii Fit, its appeal did get through to the audience afterwards. This year, however, with the New Super Mario Bros. Wii, four people lined up with Wii Remotes was not a scene that no one had ever seen. Those who actually had the chance to play understood how the game would change with four people playing simultaneously, but we could not address that fun sentiment at the media briefing. Now we strongly feel that we need to look into finding a better way to demonstrate the products’ appeal better at E3 in these times where more people are watching it online via web cast not only in the U.S. but all around the world, than the number of audience who actually watch it in the theatre. In that sense, we learned many lessons from this year’s E3 show. After the media briefing, we had a domestic trade briefing in Japan. There we disclosed the black Wii console and red Nintendo DSi, which made a big buzz among game fans. It is also an important lesson for next year.”

Legend of Neil, Episode 7

The next Legend of Neil episode will be available on Monday, and additional episodes will follow on every other Monday.

Thanks to Kate for the news tip!


We don’t know much about this title other than it is indeed an RPG. More information will be released on August 20.

Teaser site here

“I think motion control is an interesting development, but fundamentally not suited to some styles of game. Swinging a virtual club might be awesome in Tiger Woods, but do you really want to hold your hands out in front of you for a full 10 minute road race? I think you’d only last a couple of laps before you dropped the virtual steering wheel. So yeah, it’s an interesting development but I can’t see controllers being completely replaced any time soon. And neither should they — the modern video game controller has evolved over more than 20 years to be the right tool for the job (in many cases).” – Bizarre’s Ben Ward

I would agree with idea that motion control isn’t ideal for many types of games, but for racing games I think it works just fine. Especially since it’s not like you have to hold your arms straight out in front of you to play; it’s just as easy to hold a remote in the same position as you would a normal controller and tilt it slightly.


??? Nintendo
??2009-044806 §????????????????????? (Tingle’s Love Balloon Trip)
??2009-045427 ????????????? (Super Mario Collection)
??2009-046300 ??????????? (xxxx Tingle Pack)
??2009-046376 ????????? ?
??2009-046377 ????????? ??subtitles of Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon Wiiware
??2009-046378 ????????? ?

Update: Looks like the title is related to Lord of Vermillion, a card game.


Square Enix seems to have taken a liking to teaser websites over the past few months. Most recently, the company kept Final Fantasy Gaiden: Four Warriors of Light under wraps, but then revealed the mystery a few days after. Today, however, Square Enix brings gamers a new teaser site. There isn’t much to it – There’s a notice that says “VII Days,” but that’s about it. A countdown timer can also be seen (and is apparently part of the VII Days”), which has over eleven days left on it. Perhaps we’ll receive more information once the time expires.

How many gamers can claim that they’ve through a game blind? Well, that’s exactly what one man is attempting, although it’s not by choice. Jordan, blind since birth, is playing through The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with help from the YouTube community. According to Jordan, he is able to progress thanks to “very specific, script-stile directions.” It’s definitely great to see him overcome his visual disability and be assisted in his conquest of Ocarina of Time, as many would agree that it is one Zelda title which should not be missed out on.

“My name is Jordan and I have been blind since birth. I have always been a fan of Ocarina of Time, and here I will show videos of me playing through it (and other games such as Castlevania, pokemon and possibly other Zelda’s) to the best of my abilities. To navigate on my Computer I use a program called JAWS. It reads the words to me and allows me to navigate my pc with ease…To type I’ve memorized the keys. Just so you know, I have done all of these bosses MANY times.”

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

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