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General Nintendo

The latest buzz surrounding GDC 2009 is that three (four, technically) Nintendo characters will be at this year’s conference this year. The rumor specifically involves Link, Kid Icarus, and the Ice Climbers. Games wouldn’t necessarily be shown – hints to future projects, listing of the characters, or possibly more would be shared.

I do want to stress that this rumor should be taken with a huge grain of salt. In the past, some rumors have proved to be valid but in this case it’s really unclear. I would expect Nintendo to do something like this at E3, but not really GDC…Who knows. We’ll have to just wait and see. Just remember to have a bit of skepticism in mind and don’t set yourselves up for disappointment!

Thanks to Jake for the news tip.

“That’s right. But they’re not confirmed. I can’t really talk about them.” – Traveller’s Tales animator Charlotte Parker

“Am currently working as a Cutscene Animator on LEGO Harry Potter & LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which are both in the early stages of production.” -Charlotte Parker’s CV

The information on Charlotte Parker’s CV has since been removed. I’d still consider this a rumor for now, but it does seem as though both LEGO Harry Potter and Lego Indiana Jones 2 are in development.



Nintendo (PR) has sent out this image in a very brief email. There was no content in the body and the subject of the email read, “The Legacy Began…”


“There was an era when Nintendo was going in the direction of doing the same things other companies did. The more we competed with new companies entering the market, the more we started acting similar to them. But is being number one in that competition the same as being number one with the general public? That’s the question we had. Entertainment is something that you have to look at the world with a very wide eye as you create it. I always thought that, but there were a few years where I was unable to get off other people’s trends. It was a dilemma in my mind.

I was endlessly fascinated with 3D worlds, but what with all the issues I had to tinker with in terms of rendering and processing speed, it got to the point where I didn’t know who was making the games any longer.

This is a job where you have a plan and you polish it endlessly while getting help from others. If Nintendo’s games fail to stand out as games that aren’t made that way proliferate, then it shows that the creation process is for nothing, which made me very sad. That was especially obvious during the GameCube era; Nintendo titles were hardly even discussed by the [non-gaming] general public back then.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

The GameCube era wasn’t actually too terrible in terms of quality content and innovation. Chibi Robo, Geist, and Pikmin were all created during that the console’s lifecycle. In terms of originality, we haven’t seen too many cult classics from Nintendo like we did during the GameCube era.

Source 1, Source 2

??2009-003442 ???????????? [Utsusu Shunkan Attraction]

Konami :

??2009-002188 ???????? [Shuketsu ! Choujou Dai Kessen // Gathering ! Decisive Battle of the Peak]
??2009-003495 ???
??2009-004591 ?????? [The Bishi Bashi]

Bandai Namco :

??2009-002172 ????????????????????????????
??2009-002538 ????????????
??2009-002539 ??????????????
??2009-002540 ????????????????????
??2009-002541 ?????????? [Kanjiru Tsubo Master]
??2009-003566 ?????????
??2009-003567 ?????????
??2009-003568 ????????????????? [Saku to Hamareru HoliHoli Action]
??2009-003569 ???????????????? [Minna Hamareru Holiholi Action]
??2009-003570 ???????????? [Dokodemo Mister Driller // Anywhere Mister Driller]
??2009-003571 ???????[KuneKune no Tatsujin]
??2009-003572 ???????????[Pakku no Homerun Kyousou]
??2009-003573 ???????? [Pipi no Renzoku Tatsusanshin // Pipi’s Consecutive Strikeouts]
??2009-003574 ???? [Bakudan Sagashi // Bomb Search]
??2009-004246 ???????????
??2009-005054 ??????????????

Taito :

??2009-002945 ?????????? [Higurashi THE Ohagi]
??2009-002946 §?×?????????????????????
??2009-003407 ?????????????????
??2009-003408 ?????????????
??2009-003409 §??????????????
??2009-003410 §??????????????
??2009-005167 §???????
??2009-005168 ???????????????????
??2009-005169 ?????????[Cho Chabu Dai Kaeshi]

Sega :

??2009-001875 ?????????????????
??2009-001981 ??????????????? [Puyo Puyo Fever TOUCH – could it be that teased project ringo game ?]
??2009-003000 ????????
??2009-003001 ????????
??2009-003028 ?????????? [Rekishi Taisen\Gettenka // Historic War\Gettenka]]

Square-Enix :

??2009-004664 ?????????? [Pop Up Duel]
??2009-005209 ????????????? [Hikari to Yami no Himegishi to Sekai Seifuku no Tou // The daughter of Light and Darkness, and the Tower of the World Conquest]


It’s a little later than expected, but the service is now live for Nintendo fans down under.

Rewards currently available:

Wii Remote Stand
Mario Print Face Towel
Game & Watch Collection
Nintendo DS Game Case and Stylus Set
Nintendo DS Game Wallet (White)



There’s a lot of questions here…Will this end up on Wii? And if so, will it be a WiiWare title? WayForward has certainly had there hands full with a number of Wii games lately – mainly LIT and the ongoing development of A Boy and His Blob.



Remember, these cards will be replacing the Wii Points Card when the DSi releases.

Thanks to Shoop for the news tip.


“[Addressing RE2] Stay tuned, we absolutely understand that these are classic games. Some announcements, that you will be very interested in [are on the way].” – Mike Webster, Capcom

This game has been on quite a few systems…The N64, the GameCube, Dreamcast. How many of you would be interested in seeing the game on Wii?


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