Game Informer predicts new Nintendo console in 2010
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
It hasn’t even been two years since the Wii was released in America, yet Game Informer believes we could see a new Nintendo console in 2010. Analysts, meanwhile, have thought the Wii could last up to seven years. Considering the enormous success of Nintendo’s console, releasing a new system in 2010 would not be the wisest move. Nintendo may have used up many of their franchises already, but there are still many opportunities Nintendo can take advantage of.
Hideo Kojima briefly discusses new game
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
As development on Metal Gear Solid 4 for the PlayStation 3 comes to a close, Hideo Kojima, the head honcho of the Metal Gear Solid series, has offered some insight into the future. At the ceremony for MGS4’s completion, Kojima candidly admitted that a title is in development for the hardcore gamer. Details about the game were not discussed. However, given Kojima’s credibility in the gaming industry, it would not be difficult to assume that his newest game will be fantastic.
GameStop no longer an outcast
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii | 1 Comment
Recently, a discovery was made on the Nintendo Channel that when one was redirected to a “purchase” page, most stores that sell video games, such as Best Buy and Circuit City were listed as retailers. GameStop, on the other hand, was not. This no longer seems to be an issue, as GameStop is listed along with numerous other stores. Nintendo doesn’t hate you after all, GameStop!
Prepare for…Major League Eating at the Nintendo World Store!
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Who & What: MLE Professionals Tim “Eater X” Janus and Crazy Legs Conti say goodbye to spring and hello to summer as they face-off in the first-ever Major League Eating: The Game WiiWare Watermelon Showdown*. These two gurgitory gladiators will vie for a new Watermelon eating world record in celebration of the launch of Major League Eating: The Game for WiiWare™.
Tim “Eater X” Janus, the newly crowned Sushi eating champion of the world, a man who hides his inner torment behind a mask, will compete against Crazy Legs Conti. Conti, often described as the “Evil Knievel of the Alimentary Canal,” is known for eating his way out of a 96-cubic foot sarcophagus of popcorn at the debut of his own movie, Zen and The Art of Competitive Eating.
This bare knuckled, drag out, in-your-face (literally) six minute exercise in extreme watermelon consumption is near certain to yield a new world record. It will also be the first watermelon eating contest to feature both real and virtual watermelons.
Come join us, get some hands-on time with one of the first games coming to Nintendo’s exciting new WiiWare channel – Major League Eating: The Game – and watch firsthand as Major League Eating history is made.
When: Tuesday, May 20
From 12-3 PM
Where: Nintendo World Store
10 Rockefeller Center
New York, NY 10020
*This is a B.Y.O.T event (Bring your own towelette event).
M-rated games being sold to minors: lowest percentage since 2000
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This is by far one of the best years for games being sold to underage people. Games which are given the “M” rated are given that rating for a reason. It’s a clear warning that the subject matter is not appropriate for those under 17. Parents who feel that the game is “OK” to play in moderation is their choice, but stores should not be selling these games when they clearly know they should not be sold. Oddly enough, GameStop had the best rating – they only sold 6% of “M” rated games to those under 17, but Hollywood Video had a whopping 40%.
New Golden Sun title not out of the question
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Camelot representative on Golden Sun…“Yes, we hear this question quite a lot! We hear it not only from fans but also from our design staff as well. The pressure is certainly on! We think this is natural, since our company was founded as a RPG developer. We hadn’t even released any other kind of game before making the original Everybody’s Golf for Sony. We are very happy that Golden Sun has received so much love from fans. It seems to be one of those games that people really latch on to. We will never say that the Golden Sun series is dead… If we said that, then some of our excellent staff members might quit on us! Then we would have to make a new Golden Sun game just to get them back! Please be patient, who knows when a new Golden Sun game will appear on the horizon?”
To be honest, I have never played Golden Sun. However, I know that the series has received great feedback from critics and especially fans. I would be interested in hearing about a new game in the series even though I haven’t played a title, and playing one of the Golden Sun titles is a priority that I have.
THQ blames Nintendo for financial losses
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
“With a tough Pixar comparison to Cars [Ratatouille] and new competition from Nintendo’s first-party titles – as well as new music games – our traditionally strong kids’ business did not meet expectations.” – Brian Farrell, THQ President/CEO
Although I do agree Nintendo may have caused THQ to lose out a bit on sales, THQ did not exactly release many titles that match Nintendo’s quality and polish of their games. On the other hand, it has been proven that sometimes, even if excellent titles are released into the market, the sales will not always be fantastic.
A Game Boy from the Gulf War – yes, it works!
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Stephen Colbert on losing to Miyamoto on TIME
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Nintendo Power’s moon – 3rd party game?
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 7 Comments
In response to a reader mail question about upcoming games the reader mail editor is interested in, Nintendo Power writes, “…We know of a few big third-party titles already, but unfortunately we’re sworn to secrecy. We’ll be able to fill you in on one of those games next month, though – and it’s a shocker!” If this is to be believed, rumors that the moon features hints of Earthbound, Majora’s Mask, and other titles developed by Nintendo can be ruled out. However, on the last page of Nintendo Power, the preview notes did mention that magazine will have “a surprise or two.” So, although the main surprise in next month’s issue appears to be a third-party title (if it wasn’t, why would Nintendo Power be providing hints?), there is still a chance that an additional game may be revealed. Essentially, it all depends on how you interpret the preview notes for the next issue.