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Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter says that his recent comments regarding Activision motivating Nintendo to make the Wii U Pro controller centered around nothing more than an “educated guess”.

Pachter said today:

“I am putting two and two together to conclude that Activision put pressure on them. I do not know this either first-hand or third-hand; nobody told me. I am merely deducing it from what we know, and it’s an educated guess.”

I actually thought this was understood based on the way Pachter’s comments were worded. He did say that Activision never told him anything, and he didn’t make it seem as though he received any inside information. Anyway, Pachter has now made it clear that he was just voicing his feelings, so hopefully we can put those quotes behind us.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Super Danganronpa 2 (PSP) – 10/9/9/9
Persona 4 Arena (PS3/360) – 9/9/9/9
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) – 9/9/9/9
Nayuta No Kiseki (PSP) – 8/8/8/8
Cave Story 3D (3DS0 – 8/8/7/7
Kobitodsukan Kobito Kansatsu Set (3DS) – 7/6/6/6

More Project X Zone character reveals are contained inside the pages of Famitsu’s latest issue. Two new characters have been confirmed.

Devil May Cry’s Lady will be included on the roster. Additionally, God Eater’s Lindow Amamiya is joining in on the fun.

If all goes well, we should have scans later today.

Level-5 has been keeping quiet about another one of its 3DS titles, Fantasy Life, that’s been in the works for quite a long time. But the game has finally resurfaced in the latest issue of Famitsu, which confirms a 2012 launch for the game.

Brownie Brown is handling development. Level-5 is involved with planning and some development, Nobuo Uematsu is providing the title’s music, and Yoshitaka Amano is creating illustrations.

Local play is supported, as are SpotPass and StreetPass.

A release date will apparently be announced in next week’s issue.

Steel Disaster releases for DSiWare on August 9 for $7.99/800 points.

3DS Download

Art of Balance TOUCH! – Recommended
Bird Mania 3D – Hmmm…
Bomb Monkey – Hmm…
Marvel Pinball 3D – Recommended
Order Up!! – Recommended


Kirby’s Block Ball – Recommended
Game & Watch Gallery 2 – Recommended
Rayman – Hmmm…


99Seconds – Recommended
Amoebattle – Recommended
Paul’s Shooting Adventure 2 – Hmmm…
Snakenoid Deluxe – Grumble Grumble

Wii VC

Metal Slug 3 – Recommended
Monster World IV – Recommended
Super Hang-On – Hmmm…
Wonder Boy In Monster Land – Hmmm…


Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition – Recommended

RedLynx is currently hiring programmers for an “unannounced console game project”. The news comes from an official job posting, which unfortunately doesn’t

You may know RedLynx as the developer behind Trials HD and Trials Evolution. It was an independent studio before being acquired by Ubisoft in November 2011.

Source, Via

HMV has acknowledged the error it made in publishing incorrect promotional material for the 3DS XL.

The image featured a fan-made, photoshopped 3DS mockup with two Circle Pads. You can take a look at the photo here.

Only one store featured the image, HVM says. It has since been removed.

An HMV spokesperson stated:

“It’s apparent this was just one particular store being a little over-enthusiastic – and the poster has been removed. If it’s caused anyone any issues then we’re sorry, but I’d say it doesn’t take much to work out this doesn’t represent the company’s retail offer for this release.”


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